Just two weeks to go! TWO WEEKS until we get new Doctor Who – it feels like ages since last year’s anniversary specials!

Join James and Michele as they revisit The Church of Ruby Road, specifically to talk through the many, many mysterious plot points and questions the episode asks. Multi-dimensional timey-wimey theories along with (yet more) attempts to identify Mrs Flood are the order of the day!

As always, you can contact the Campervan and let us know what you think of our theories – or more interestingly, share your own with us by e-mailing feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, Tweet @thedrwhopodcast or find us on Facebook.

We’ll be back in two weeks – just TWO WEEKS to let you have the DWP review of Episodes 1 and 2 – Space Babies and The Devil’s Chord.

Enjoy the show!

Happy New Year!

It’s our first episode of 2024! And it’s not even February yet! Join us for our annual predictions episode as BrentJamesMichele and Ian dig out the Campervan’s oh-so-reliable crystal ball and make carefully calculated predictions about what will come to pass in the Whoniverse in 2024. But that’s not before the team turn the clock back twelve months and review the predictions  Michele, Drew, Phil and James made in Episode 351 in 2023! Just how many (few) did they get right? Tune in to find out!

Don’t forget to let us know what YOU think will happen in 2024 – will the TARDIS turn into a turnip? Will the Doctor finally travel the universe with a cabbage as a companion?! And just what is it about vegetables in this post?! I must be hungry. What are you having for dinner?

Email feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, Tweet @thedrwhopodcast or find us on Facebook to let us know!

Enjoy the show!

It’s here! And it’s not even March yet! Join us for our annual predictions episode as Drew, James, Michele and Phil gaze into the Campervan’s oh-so-reliable crystal ball and make carefully calculated predictions about what will come to pass in the Whoniverse in 2023. But that’s not before the team dial the clock back twelve months and review the predictions Ian, Brent, Drew and James made in Episode 338 in 2022! Just how many (few) did they get right? Tune in to find out!

Don’t forget to let us know what YOU think will happen in 2023 – will the TARDIS turn into a turnip? Will the Doctor finally travel the universe with a cabbage as a companion?! And just what is it about vegetables in this post?! I must be hungry. What are you having for dinner? Email feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, Tweet @thedrwhopodcast or find us on Facebook to let us know!

Enjoy the show!

It’s here – two months late, but it’s here! Jump on board the Campervan as James, Brent, Drew and Ian stare into the official DWP crystal ball and make their Who predictions for 2022. That’s not before they step back in time to February 2021 and review those the team made last year! Fun, jollity, hilarity and inaccuracy ensure.

As per usual, you can get in touch with the campervan crew in the usual ways – send an email to feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, find us on Twitter or on Facebook. Let us know what you think the Whoniverse will deliver to fans this year.

Enjoy the show!

It’s the return of our New Year predictions show! Join Ian, Brent, Phil and James as they spend an hour gazing into the Campervan’s crystal ball and making informed predictions (ie wild guesses) about what will happen in the worlds of Doctor Who in 2021.

What are YOUR preditions for 2021?! Let us know!! Get in touch by emailing us at feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, tweeting us on Twitter or joining us on our Facebook page.

We’ll be back in March with Episode 320 which will see the return of Desert Island Who and Who banter a-plenty!

Enjoy the show.

Yes, it’s that time of year again.  The time when we all take a look into the mists of time yet to pass and say clearly what it is we see happening in the world of Doctor Who.  Join Leeson, James, Michele and Trevor as they argue about the outcomes of last year’s predictions and commit themselves to what they think will happen this year.

Enjoy the show.

And welcome to the first regular Doctor Who Podcast of 2014!  In time honoured fashion, it’s our predictions episode! James, Stephen, Michele and Leeson take a look back at the predictions we made at the beginning of last year (in Episode 183) and then foolishly go on to make brand new ones for 2014.

As is customary at the DWP before we launch into a new series of Doctor Who, we have a look at the information we know so far about the upcoming stories and see if we can figure out what they are about.

The investigation team of Trevor, James and Ian have scoured the internet, looked under the floorboards and tried a sneaky mind-meld with Stephen Moffat to bring you the good oil on Series 7B.

As we are discussing spoilers about unaired stories, if you are sensitive to these sorts of things, this probably isn’t the episode for you.  We do not talk about anything that isn’t already publically available.

Ian and Michele also have a chat about Life Without the Ponds – we are entering an era of the show that does not have our second favourite married couple as part of the TARDIS crew.  Will the show survive?

Welcome to another fun packed year of THE Doctor Who Podcast, the friendliest, most stylish, informative and most importantly totally FREE podcast out there!

It wouldn’t be a new year of THE Doctor Who Podcast without the hosts speculating on what will happen in the Doctor Who universe in 2013, the anniversary year for this amazing show.  Trev, James and Leeson offer up their suggestions for what will be going on this year, partly cause it is fun to guess, but mainly because we look forward to revisiting them again in a years time and see how badly we were wrong!

The team also go over the predictions from the beginning of 2012 and see how many of them came true.

Share your thoughts on what you think is a sure fire bet in 2013.  feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com“>feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com is the place to send those musings.

A new year dawns (Happy New Year to all our listeners!), so it must be time for the DWP to dust off their crystal balls again and make some grandiose and probably totally incorrect predictions for what will be happening in the world of Doctor Who in 2012.

We also rather foolishly review the predictions we made in Episode #59 about what was going to happen in 2011.  Hear where we went dramatically wrong!