Join Phil and James as they jump on board the DWP Campervan and take a drive through the autumnal season and catch up on all manner of things Who. The BFI screenings of Doctor Who, Whooverville, the 13th Doctor, Zygons and Krynoids coming to Big Finish – and more!

They also take a look at Deleted Scenes, a Second Doctor and Jamie story from Big Finish Productions and written by Angus Dunican. How does Jamie fare as a film star in the early 1900s?!

As always, you can get in touch by emailing us at, tweeting us at or by jumping on our Facebook Page and Group.

Enjoy the show!

Join Ian and Michele for a catchup in the Campervan before we say so long to Summer 2024! The news, including the latest edition of The Doctor Who Proms, Series Three speculation and a glimpse into the DWP future are up for discussion.

Phil and Brent also drop by with their take on the Tales of the TARDIS edition of Pyramids of Mars.

We’ll be back with Episode 381 soon!

Enjoy the show.

Jump on board the Campervan for the final DWP before the new series! James and Phil talk about their hopes, dreams and fears just a few days ahead of Space Babies and The Devil’s Chord transmission.

We hope to be back online with our review of both episodes on the morning of 12th May (UK time) – that’s before it airs on BBC1, so you have been warned!!

Get in touch with us any time to let us know what you think by emailing the campervan at, on Twitter/X @thedrwhopodcast, on our Facebook Page or in our Facebook Group.

Enjoy the show – and see you on the other side of Space Babies and The Devil’s Chord!

Just two weeks to go! TWO WEEKS until we get new Doctor Who – it feels like ages since last year’s anniversary specials!

Join James and Michele as they revisit The Church of Ruby Road, specifically to talk through the many, many mysterious plot points and questions the episode asks. Multi-dimensional timey-wimey theories along with (yet more) attempts to identify Mrs Flood are the order of the day!

As always, you can contact the Campervan and let us know what you think of our theories – or more interestingly, share your own with us by e-mailing, Tweet @thedrwhopodcast or find us on Facebook.

We’ll be back in two weeks – just TWO WEEKS to let you have the DWP review of Episodes 1 and 2 – Space Babies and The Devil’s Chord.

Enjoy the show!

The Campervan is back! After an enforced period of absence (it’s been a whole month guys!) James, Brent and Ian pull the Campervan into a the usual parking boy in the interstellar lot and put their feet up for a good ol’ geekout.

They cover midnight dropping in the UK, companion switch-ups, Season 15 on blu-ray and Big Finish‘s new monster-epic, Dark Gallifrey. Although precisely what monsters remains to be seen.

As always, you can contact the Campervan by e-mailing, Tweet @thedrwhopodcast or find us on Facebook.

Enjoy the show!

Happy New Year! It’s 2024!! Where did 2023 go?!

The 60th Anniversary of Doctor Who is now behind us. Join James and Phil as they relive some of the highlights of their year (and completely forget about others) from the comfort of the DWP Campervan.

What was your Doctor Who highlight of 2023?! Let us know by getting in touch with us on Twitter (or X), Facebook or by email.

We’ll be back in a couple of weeks with our predictions show for 2024!

Enjoy the show.

No new Doctor Who on our screens this weekend! How are you coping?! The sense of loss is palpable here in the campervan, so Michele, Ian and James get together over a mug of Horlicks and remissness about the three celebratory episodes we’ve enjoyed over the last month.

What do they think of bi-regeneration after the twist on regeneration was introduced to Doctor Who fans and the wider viewing public a week ago? Was the arrival of the 15th Doctor 20 minutes earlier than anticipated overshadowed by the 14th not wanting to go one last time?! And which DWP host is most likely to be found in the Campervan’s vegetable patch shooting moles?! Tune in to fine out. 🙂

We’ll be back mid-week with a preview of this year’s Christmas Special, The Church of Ruby Road. Phew, it’s all go here in the campervan! Well, it would be if there wasn’t a mole stuck in the exhaust pipe.

Enjoy the show!

What’s that?! Two DWPS in one week?! I’m afraid so….

Put the kettle on, pull up a comfy chair and get the fire going (now that summer seems to have departed for good) – and join Phil and James as they sit down and waffle about all things Who. New Doctor Who figurines (or “tat” as Phil calls it), Doctor Who Unleashed, new CDs of scores to Time and the Rani and Revenge of Cybermen – and a natter about Redacted 2 fill the airwaves this time. Be warned though – there are tangents! And more tangents! And tangents to those tangents! And tangents from the planet Tangent!

If that wasn’t enough (it was), the episode rounds off with a discussion about a wonderful little Third Doctor and Brigadier story from Big Finish and Angus Dunican. What more could you possibly ask for? What was that? LESS, you say?! Well, hurrumph!

Do get in touch with us on Twitter (or X), Facebook or by email – and enjoy the show.

Join James and Phil as they get together (after what feels like a suspiciously long time – we suspect a time eddy of some kind) to discuss the news that Season 20 will be the next to receive the blu ray treatment!

Michele and Drew pop up on no fewer than three occasions to review the Sixth Doctor, Mel and (new companion) Hebe box set from Big Finish, Water Worlds.

And not to be outdone, Brent and Ian dial back the clock to the Peter Capaldi’s story, Smile!

All that – and more irreverent Who banter besides – don’t miss it!

Join Drew, James, Brent, Michele and Ian as they take the DWP campervan for it’s latest spin around the Whooniverse!

Arc of Infinity is the subject of Debut Who – a story from 1983 that Ian has somehow managed to avoid seeing, despite being on this earth for fifty years and a Doctor Who fan for thirty! Imagine seeing an Ergon for the first time in 2023?!

The first volume of Big Finish‘s The Diary of River Song comes under scrutiny from Michele and Brent.

As well as random campfire discussions about theme music arrangements, the new approach to marketing the show has taken, a pitch to Big Finish for an audio story featuring the Ergon and the Garm, Mark Hamill’s Joker, spreadsheets and ex-possums – join the team for a feature length edition of the DWP!

Enjoy the show.