Join Ian and Michele for a catchup in the Campervan before we say so long to Summer 2024! The news, including the latest edition of The Doctor Who Proms, Series Three speculation and a glimpse into the DWP future are up for discussion.

Phil and Brent also drop by with their take on the Tales of the TARDIS edition of Pyramids of Mars.

We’ll be back with Episode 381 soon!

Enjoy the show.

Join Ian, James, Phil and Scott live from the South Bank of the Thames shortly after the premier of the soon-to-be-released animated version of The Celestial Toymaker!

Enjoy the show.

Another special episode of the DWP?! Well, why not?! Join James and Ian on the South Bank of the Thames, shortly after this afternoon’s screening of Horror of Fang Rock at the BFI to celebrate the upcoming release of Season 15 on Blu-Ray.

You remain of course, Most Welcome!

It’s that time of year once again when the ol’ DWP Campervan occupies the same time/spacial coordinates as the snazzy new Who & Companymobile. Join Drew and Brent as they invite Michele and James into their more sedate world of Doctor Who fandom where companionship and camaraderie are celebrated!

As is usual for January, the team take a look at the most recent animation of a missing story. This year, The Underwater Menace is put under the microscope.

So sit back and enjoy an hour of irreverent banter as the four amigos fire up the blu-ray player and watch hi-jinks of the highest order in Atlantis!

Enjoy the show.

It’s Doctor Who Day! Happy 60th Anniversary! Just before we get ready for The Star Beast, Drew, Michele and James bring you a special edition of The Doctor Who Podcast. Dig out your VHS, DVD, digital copy of An Unearthly Child, press play when the Campervan does and enjoy the episode with us!

Enjoy the show!

Jumping Jehoshaphat! Ka-Klakk, we’re back! Join the entire DWP team as we remissness about all things Third Doctor. With so many of us in the Campervan loving the Third Doctor, a show dedicated to the era is much overdue.

So join Drew and Michele as they review The Return of Jo Jones, the latest Third Doctor set from Big FinishPhil and Ian as they head to the DWP’s favourite pub to record their memories of the era and of course, Brent and James as they talk about Jon Pertwee himself, his Doctor Who stories on television, Big Finish tales, Season 9 on blu-ray, the Brigadier, Sarah Jane Smith, Liz Shaw and Jo Grant – and all manner of other stuff in the unstructured DWP style that you have come to love!

So jump on board the Campervan for an hour of Third Doctor goodness!

Enjoy the show.

Happy New Year! Is it too late to say that? Never mind, we’re saying it anyway!

It’s that time of year once again when time streams coalesce, podcast contrails converge and basically, we mix it right up! Yes, Michele and James join forces with Brent and Drew on the first in a new series of Who & Company shows. “Isn’t that basically the same as a regular DWP “, we hear you ask?! Well, take a listen and find out as we discuss Yeti up mountains in Tibet!

The DWP will be back shortly with our annual predictions episode – don’t miss that one, it’s always a bit of a riot!

You didn’t think we were going let Christmas come and go without hearing from us, did you?! Join Michele, James, Brent and Drew as they bring you the Christmas Special the BBC decided we could do without!

Have a lovely Christmas and join us in the campervan in the New Year for our regular programme of geeky Whoness, silliness and of course, highly professional and insightful analysis (ahem!) of the show we all love so much!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Join Phil, James and Adam (from the wonderful Staggering Stories podcast) from the South Bank of the Thames for a special live episode of the DWP! The trio were lucky enough to attend today’s screening of The Time Meddler at the British Film Institute to mark the upcoming release of Season 2 (the ORIGINAL season two you might say!) on Blu ray!

Enjoy the show!

Join James (now back in the UK) and Phil as they catch up on the latest goings-on in the Whoniverse! With the now confirmed “Power of the Doctor” just around the metaphorical corner, the excitement in the campervan is palpable! Make sure you join us for Episode 348 for a preview of Jodie Whittaker’s final outing as the Doctor.

A quick review of Whooville 13 and a chat about the upcoming screening of The Time Meddler at the BFI are also on the agenda before Michele jumps on board to talk with James about one her all-time favourite Doctor Who stories, The Deadly Assassin.

As always, we’d love to hear from you about the show, the DWP or anything Who related. Send an email to us at, drop a note to us on Twitter or find us on Facebook.

Enjoy the show and we will be back shortly!