Just two weeks to go! TWO WEEKS until we get new Doctor Who – it feels like ages since last year’s anniversary specials!
Join James and Michele as they revisit The Church of Ruby Road, specifically to talk through the many, many mysterious plot points and questions the episode asks. Multi-dimensional timey-wimey theories along with (yet more) attempts to identify Mrs Flood are the order of the day!
As always, you can contact the Campervan and let us know what you think of our theories – or more interestingly, share your own with us by e-mailing feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, Tweet @thedrwhopodcast or find us on Facebook.
We’ll be back in two weeks – just TWO WEEKS to let you have the DWP review of Episodes 1 and 2 – Space Babies and The Devil’s Chord.
Enjoy the show!