Hot on the heels of Eighth Wonder earlier this month, Drew, James, Ian, Michele and Phil get together for another excursion in the DWP Campervan. Poor Brent is still convalescing after spending a week discussing retro-genitor particles! (The 25% discount off Dark Eyes 1 is still valid, but only until the end of April 2021!)

Firstly, James and Drew catch up and discuss Season Eight on blu-ray (or at least the parts James has seen to date), the lack of Daleks in Dalek Universe 1 and generally, how brilliant a job Big Finish are doing at keeping companions from the sixties-era alive in brand new stories.

Phil then joins Ian for the latest installment of Nine Lives where The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances are put under the microscope.

Last but not least, Michele speaks to James and Ian about a multi-Doctor story that brings the First and Second Doctors together in Daughter of the Gods.

All that plus – Drew and James critically analyse contributions to the world of singing……from John Barrowman and William Shatner. Oh dear.

As always, we’d love to hear from you! Send in your thoughts and feedback (audio or written) on anything Who or DWP related and we’ll discuss on an upcoming episode. Email us at, get in touch on Twitter or search for us on Facebook.

We’ll be back with Episode 322 at the end of May! Enjoy the show.

Michele James and Brent join forces for the final episode (for now!) of Eighth Wonder, our mini-series of podcasts reviewing the Eighth Doctor Box Set Dark Eyes 1, from Big Finish Productions.

Eighth Wonder is your chance to listen to Dark Eyes 1 along with the wonderful DWP community. Listen to X and the Daleks (Episode Four of Dark Eyes 1) and then listen to this review from us! Lastly, get in touch to let us know what you think of both by emailing us at or by tweeting us.

We’ll be back with Episode 321 towards the end of the month.

Enjoy the show!

Not got Dark Eyes 1?! Fear not! Our wonderful friends at Big Finish have created a unique discount code for DWP listeners that will give you a vortex-busting twenty five percent off when you purchase the set from the Big Finish website!

So head on over to the Big Finish’s website NOW, add Dark Eyes 1 to your basket and key in DWPMOLLY25 on checkout! The code is good until 30th April 2021 and excludes bundles, subscriptions and cannot be used with any other order.

Michele joins Brent for Episode 3 of Eighth Wonder, our ongoing mini-series of podcasts reviewing the Eighth Doctor Box Set Dark Eyes 1, from Big Finish Productions.

Eighth Wonder is your chance to listen to Dark Eyes 1 along with the wonderful DWP community. Listen to Tangled Web (Episode Three of Dark Eyes 1) and then listen to this review from us! Lastly, get in touch to let us know what you think of both by emailing us at or by send us a Tweet.

We will be back on Saturday (17th April) when Eighth Wonder reaches it conclusion as we talk about X and the Daleks (Episode Four of Dark Eyes 1)!

Enjoy the show!

Not got Dark Eyes 1?! Fear not! Our wonderful friends at Big Finish have created a unique discount code for DWP listeners that will give you a vortex-busting twenty five percent off when you purchase the set from the Big Finish website!

So head on over to the Big Finish’s website NOW, add Dark Eyes 1 to your basket and key in DWPMOLLY25 on checkout! The code is good until 30th April 2021 and excludes bundles, subscriptions and cannot be used with any other order.

James and Brent are back with Episode 2 of Eighth Wonder, our mini-series of podcasts reviewing the Eighth Doctor Box Set Dark Eyes 1, from Big Finish Productions.

Eighth Wonder is your chance to listen to Dark Eyes 1 along with the wonderful DWP community. Listen to Fugitives (Episode Two of Dark Eyes 1) and then listen to this review from us! Lastly, get in touch to let us know what you think of both by emailing us at or by tweeting us.

We will be back on Thursday (15th April) with Episode 3 of Eighth Wonder to talk about Tangled Web (Episode Three of Dark Eyes 1).

Enjoy the show!

Not got Dark Eyes 1?! Fear not! Our wonderful friends at Big Finish have created a unique discount code for DWP listeners that will give you a vortex-busting twenty five percent off when you purchase the set from the Big Finish website!

So head on over to the Big Finish’s website NOW, add Dark Eyes 1 to your basket and key in DWPMOLLY25 on checkout! The code is good until 30th April 2021 and excludes bundles, subscriptions and cannot be used with any other order.

At last, it’s here!

James and Brent bring you Eighth Wonder, our new mini-series of podcasts reviewing the Eighth Doctor Box Set Dark Eyes 1, from Big Finish Productions.

Eighth Wonder is your chance to listen to Dark Eyes 1 along with the wonderful DWP community. Listen to The Great War (Episode One of Dark Eyes 1) and then listen to this review from us! Lastly, get in touch to let us know what you think of both by emailing us at or by tweeting us.

Check the feed again on Tuesday (13th April) when Eighth Wonder 2 will be online where we we talk about Fugitives (Episode Two of Dark Eyes 1)

Enjoy the show!

Not got Dark Eyes 1?! Fear not! Our wonderful friends at Big Finish have created a unique discount code for DWP listeners that will give you a vortex-busting twenty five percent off when you purchase the set from the Big Finish website!

So head on over to the Big Finish’s website NOW, add Dark Eyes 1 to your basket and key in DWPMOLLY25 on checkout! The code is good until 30th April 2021 and excludes bundles, subscriptions and cannot be used with any other order.

It’s a Bonus DWP! Wooh! James and Phil bring you a very special message about Eighth Wonder, our upcoming mini-series reviewing the Eighth Doctor Box Set, Dark Eyes 1. Yes, your chance to listen to award-winning Doctor Who audio drama with us, in the Campervan!

Sunday 11th April 2021 will see the release of the first Episode of Eighth Wonder reviewing The Great War, part one of Dark Eyes 1. Not got Dark Eyes 1?! Fear not! Our wonderful friends at Big Finish Productions have created a unique discount code for DWP listeners that will give you a vortex-busting twenty five percent off when you purchase the set from the Big Finish website!

So head on over to the Big Finish’s website NOW, add Dark Eyes 1 to your basket and key in DWPMOLLY25 on checkout! The code is good until 30th April 2021 and excludes bundles, subscriptions and cannot be used with any other order.

Get listening to The Great War and – and come back on Sunday 11th April 2021 to hear what we think of it!

Join James and Phil as they chew over the recent release of Series 8 on blu ray! Which Series 8? The ORIGINAL, you might Say! The Third Doctor era is one many of the current Campervan Crew hold dear, so this latest set of stories gets quite a lot of DWP lurve!

Also, find out about an upcoming set of mini-DWPs, cryptically called Eighth Wonder! What could that possibly be about? Tune in to find out!

And then, find a deck chair, pull on your Hawaiian swimming togs, order a pina colada with a swirly straw and listen to James talk to Drew about his choices for the latest edition of Desert Island Who! The conversation reaches parts of fandom not usually covered by us on the DWP….!

As always, we’d like to hear from you! Send in your thoughts and feedback (audio or written) and we’ll discuss on a (now imminent) feedback edition of the DWP. What stories would you take to our desert island?! Let us know by emailing us at, getting in touch on Twitter or by searching for us on Facebook.

Enjoy the show!

It’s the return of our New Year predictions show! Join Ian, Brent, Phil and James as they spend an hour gazing into the Campervan’s crystal ball and making informed predictions (ie wild guesses) about what will happen in the worlds of Doctor Who in 2021.

What are YOUR preditions for 2021?! Let us know!! Get in touch by emailing us at, tweeting us on Twitter or joining us on our Facebook page.

We’ll be back in March with Episode 320 which will see the return of Desert Island Who and Who banter a-plenty!

Enjoy the show.

The voices are the same but the podcast is different….. or something! Join Drew, Brent, Michele and James in the now-annual tradition of beginning the New Year reviewing a recently animated classic Doctor Who story. This time, it’s the turn of The Faceless Ones.

Who & Company is a wonderful podcast hosted by Brent and Drew that has it’s roots firmly in Doctor Who fandom, however the subject matter of regular episodes goes far beyond the confines of the Whoniverse. Once a year however, the parallel worlds of the two shows converge and the focus is on squarely on classic Who.

W&C has a distinctly different tone to that of the DWP. It’s an easy listen, more laid back and less rushed. So pull up a lounger, grab a mug of coffee and get comfy and listen to four friends chew the fat about a classic Patrick Troughton story in Episode 49 of Who & Company, also known as Special 13 of the DWP.

Enjoy the show!

Happy New Year!

In a last minute change of plans, Ian and James talk about the annoucement that Series 24 is coming to Blu-ray! So lots of McCoy geekery – and James gets to talk about Delta and the Bannerman *again*!

Then, in the first of a new feature, conversation turns to a classic story that Ian saw for the first time just last week. Yes, it turns out dear listeners, that some of the Campervan Crew have not seen every classic story. Can you believe it?! Upon learning this frankly scandalous news, James embarked on a mission to fill in the gaping chasms in his co-presenter’s fandom as quickly as possible. The first story under the microscope is……well, that would be telling! But the coverart might give you hint. Expect to travel back in time nearly 60 years – or 960 years, depending on your perspective. Time is relative you know!

We’ll be back with Episode 319 in February for the delayed return of our predictions show – when we try to guess what will happen in the Whoniverse over the coming year. What do YOU think will happen?! Get in touch to let us know by emailing us at, tweeting us on Twitter or joining us on our Facebook page.

Enjoy the show.