Jump on board the campervan as Ian and Phil share the driving this week and review Episode 5 of this lil’ ol’ series of Doctor Who, Survivors of the Flux.

What did you think?! We want to hear from you! Send in your thoughts and feedback (audio or written) and we’ll discuss on an upcoming episode. Email us at feedack@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, get in touch on Twitter or search for us on Facebook.

Enjoy the show!

Join Leeson and JNT as they bring you Part 4 of Radio Leeson and their thoughts on Chapter Four of Flux, Village of the Angels. And many other things too as it turns out! JNT tackles the first couple of questions he’s received (get yours to him at feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com with AskJNT in the subject field) – and he then performs a guitar medley of his ol’ man’s favourite songs. No, we’re not sure why either, but we understand he’s taking requests.

Sanity returns in the form of Phil and Scott – and Michele, Brent, Drew and Ian drop by too. In fact, all the DWP hosts are on this one, apart from James, who has become obsessed with looking for songs with lyrics relevant to Doctor Who stories. Please send help.

We hope you enjoy the show. Please let us know you think, particularly of Ian’s Kooky Theory of the Week!! Or is it all that kooky after all?! Let us know! Email us feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, get in touch with us on Twitter or search us up on Facebook.

Jump onboard the DWP Campervan and join Michele, Phil and James as they review Episode 4 of Flux, Village of the Angels!

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch – feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast is the address you need, @thedrwhopodcast our Twitter handle and you can find us on Facebook.

Leeson and Phil continue their mid-week runs in the Campervan. Ian also drops by to give his views on Once, Upon Time and brings James along (again) for the ride.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch – feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast is the address you need, @thedrwhopodcast our Twitter handle and you can find us on Facebook.

We’ll be back shortly after Part 4 of Flux airs on Sunday. Enjoy the show!

Join the DWP RV as we go stateside with Brent and Drew as they (or one them) takes the wheel. It appears however, they didn’t realise James was still in the back fixing the lock on the chemical toilet Leeson broke – so he’s along for the ride as well. Along the way, they find the time to review Chapter 3 of Flux – Once, Upon Time.

What did you think?! We want to hear from you! Send in your thoughts and feedback (audio or written) and we’ll discuss on an upcoming episode. Email us at feedack@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, get in touch on Twitter or search for us on Facebook.

Enjoy the show.

Join Leeson and Phil for what are fast becoming their own mini DWPs! This time, Leeson is joined by a rather special new co-host!

Drew and Brent also drop by to give their takes on on last weekend’s episode, War of the Sontarans.

As always, feel free to get in touch with the campervan (if you can catch us, Leeson is driving again) – feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast is the address you need, @thedrwhopodcast our Twitter handle and you can find us on Facebook. Get in touch!

We’ll be back shortly after Part 3 of Flux airs on Sunday. Enjoy the show!

Join the trust ol’ pairing of Michele and Ian as they take over the Campervan this week and review Episode 2 of Flux, War of the Sontarans.

We want to hear from you too! Send in your thoughts and feedback (audio or written) to the campervan and we’ll discuss them on an upcoming episode. Email us at feedack@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, get in touch on Twitter or search for us on Facebook.

Keep an eye on the feed midweek for the resolution of the most important cliffhanger this season – will Leeson manage to find his way out of the campervan’s chemical loo?! Oooh, the tension!

Enjoy the show!

Our third Episode in eight days?! Just what is going on! Phil and James are joined by Jean and Adam of Staggering Stories fame as they record outside the BFI on the South Bank of the Thames. This afternoon, the BFI screened the soon-to-be-released-on animated of version of Galaxy 4.

We’ll be back shortly (within the next couple of days) with our review of Chapter 2 of Flux, War of the Sontarans!

Enjoy the show!

Doctor Who is not the only thing that’s returned this week – we are proud to present the return of the rather lovely LEESON FISCHER to the DWP Campervan to share his thoughts (and he does have thoughts) about The Halloween Apocalypse.

Not wishing to miss out, Phil returns with a very special guest reviewer – and Drew, Ian and Brent also get in on the action. So yes dear listener, that’s SIX reviewers on the DWP this week – so far!

Don’t forget to get in touch to let us know what you thought of the episode – send an email to us at feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com! We’ll be back next week to review Chapter 2 of Flux – War of the Sontarans.

Enjoy the show!

It’s BACK! Doctor Who is back on our tellyboxes in Chapter 1 of the six-episode epic, FLUX. Join Phil and James in the campervan for their hot-take on Episode 1, The Halloween Apocalypse!

What did you think?! We want to hear from you! Send in your thoughts and feedback (audio or written) and we’ll discuss on an upcoming episode. Email us at feedack@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, get in touch on Twitter or search for us on Facebook.

Enjoy the show!