Hello all you wonderful listeners!

With the imminent return (well, in six months time of Ace to Doctor Who, James and Drew follow the Yellow Brick Road where we first met Dorothy McShane in 1987 – and Dragonfire! Has it stood the test of time?

Before we find out, the guys take advantage of recording together for the first time in ages and basically, yabber about Doctor Who for 15 mins. Sanity is then restored in the form of Ian who presents the finale of our Nine Lives series. Looking back as Series 1 has been quite a journey and it’s not without a tear that James and Ian review The Parting of The Ways.

Join us shortly for Episode 343 – if the (totally baseless) rumours are to be believed, we may have some rather exciting casting news to discuss! If we don’t, then we’ll have a in-depth critical analysis of Delta of the Bannerman instead. You are of course, Most Welcome.

Enjoy the show.

Join Drew, Michele and Brent as they take the DWP RV out for a spin and have their say on Legend of the Sea Devils. Warning – strong opinions are contained within!

There is still time to let us know if your buckle was well and truly swashed – send an email to feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, find us on Twitter or on Facebook.

Enjoy the show and we’ll be back next month!

Ahoy there! Join Phil, Ian and James for their instant reaction after watching Jodie Whittaker’s penultimate story, Legend of the Sea Devils.

What did you think?! Did it swash you buckle?! You can of course get in touch to let us know – send an email to feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, find us on Twitter or on Facebook.

Enjoy the show!

Given the imminent broadcast of Legend of The Sea Devils, the campervan has gone all aquatic! Probably better for everyone we focus on the reptilian aspect of the episode rather than talking like pirates for 50 minutes!

So, Brent, Michele and Ian preview the upcoming Easter special (Jodie Whitaker’s penultimate outing as the Doctor) and then dial back to the Sea Devils’ debut and review… The Sea Devils! A classic classic story you might say.

We’ll be back shortly after Legend airs on Easter Sunday with our immediate reaction, then again a little later in the week with a more considered view.

In the meantime, you can of course get in touch in the usual ways – send an email to feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, find us on Twitter or on Facebook.

Enjoyyyyy the ssssshhhowwwww……..!

Join James, Phil, Michele, Ian and Brent and for the latest day trip in the Campervan! There’s a Ninth Doctor theme this month with the return of Nine Lives

Before that, James and Phil meander through the recent 60th Anniversary rumours and make yet more baseless predictions that have not a single hope of coming true. Ian and Michele then return to discuss the penultimate story in Series 1, Bad Wolf – and then Brent then drops by and joins Michele in reviewing Her Own Bootstraps, a Ninth Doctor Short Trip Big Finish story by Amy Veeres.

You can get in touch with the campervan crew in the usual ways – send an email to feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, find us on Twitter or on Facebook.

Enjoy the show!

The British Film Institute celebrate the imminent release of Season 22 on blu-ray with with a screening of the Sixth Doctor story, Revelation of the Daleks. Join James and Phil from the South Bank of the Thames for a special edition of the DWP as they bring you an on-set report from the comfort of a smelly old alley. Don’t miss it!

It’s here – two months late, but it’s here! Jump on board the Campervan as James, Brent, Drew and Ian stare into the official DWP crystal ball and make their Who predictions for 2022. That’s not before they step back in time to February 2021 and review those the team made last year! Fun, jollity, hilarity and inaccuracy ensure.

As per usual, you can get in touch with the campervan crew in the usual ways – send an email to feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, find us on Twitter or on Facebook. Let us know what you think the Whoniverse will deliver to fans this year.

Enjoy the show!

Join Phil, Michele, Ian, Drew and Brent as they take time out to celebrate the Fortieth anniversary of the Fifth Doctor – yes, it’s been forty years since we saw Peter Davison play the Doctor for the first time in Castravalva!

Debut Who returns with Black Orchid and then attention turns to Secrets of Telos, the first adventure in the celebratory release from Big Finish in the cryptically entitled “Forty“.

Drew and Brent drop by after returning from a trip to the 1960 with a ten minute review of the Tomb of the Cybermen.

Get in touch with the campervan in the usual ways, send an email to feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, find us on Twitter or on Facebook.

Enjoy the show!

Yes it’s that time of year in Doctor Who Podcast-land when the hosts stay the same, but the podcast changes, as our world collides with that of Who & Company.

This time, Drew, Brent Michele and James join forces to talk about the latest animated missing story, Evil of the Daleks.

We’ll be back later this month with two further episodes in which celebrate forty years of the fifth doctor – and make fools of ourselves in our 2022 predictions show.

You can get in touch by sending an email to us at feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, finding us on Twitter or joining the discussion on our Facebook page!

Enjoy the show.

Join James, Michele and Ian as they attempt to unpick the Who-news and the (frankly bonkers) rumours bouncing around the vortex presently. They also take a swift canter though their latest Big Finish listening which this month includes the Sixth Doctor and Peri story The Widow’s Assassin (which ties in nicely with the recent Season 22 Blu-ray announcement) and recent releases from the Torchwood range.

Ian drops in to fill another gap in his classic viewing and record his thoughts on The Mutants, a just mere fifty years after initial transmission. Spoilers!

We’ll be back in Episode 337 with our predictions for 2022! What do YOU think will happen in The Worlds of Doctor Who over the next twelve months?! Get in touch with the campervan in the usual way! No, not by shouting at us (!), but by sending an email to feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, finding us on Twitter or on Facebook!

Enjoy the show!