Join James, Michele and Ian as they attempt to unpick the Who-news and the (frankly bonkers) rumours bouncing around the vortex presently. They also take a swift canter though their latest Big Finish listening which this month includes the Sixth Doctor and Peri story The Widow’s Assassin (which ties in nicely with the recent Season 22 Blu-ray announcement) and recent releases from the Torchwood range.

Ian drops in to fill another gap in his classic viewing and record his thoughts on The Mutants, a just mere fifty years after initial transmission. Spoilers!

We’ll be back in Episode 337 with our predictions for 2022! What do YOU think will happen in The Worlds of Doctor Who over the next twelve months?! Get in touch with the campervan in the usual way! No, not by shouting at us (!), but by sending an email to, finding us on Twitter or on Facebook!

Enjoy the show!

Join Ian and James and they continue to fill in the (frankly criminal) gaps in Ian’s Who-viewing. This time, they focus on The Brain of Morbius which Ian saw for the first time last week – a mere 45 years after it first aired. What did he think of it?! Tune in to this bonus episode of the DWP to find out!

As always, we’d love to hear from you! Email us at, get in touch on Twitter or search for us on Facebook.

Enjoy the show!

Join Phil, Scott, Drew, Michele and Brent as they take the campervan for a final spin around this year’s festive special, Even of the Daleks.

We will be joining forces once again with Who and Company later this month – and we’ll be back with our predictions for 2022, so lots of DWP goodness to look forward to in January!

As always, you can contact the campervan by emailing us at, tweeting us on Twitter or by searching for us on Facebook.

Enjoy the show and here’s a to brand new year!

Happy New Year! Join James, Ian and Phil as they review the latest brand new episode of Doctor Who, Eve of the Daleks.

What did you think?! We’d love to hear from you so we can discuss your thoughts on the DWP! Email us at, get in touch on Twitter or search for us on Facebook.

It’s the final bonus episode of the year! Join James and Michele as they ramble on about the goings-on in the Whoniverse in 2021 inside of 30 minutes. Time Travel indeed! The big news events, Big Finish, Blu Ray releases and Doctor Who on telly all feature. They also get ready for Eve of the Daleks which will be on our tellyboxes in just a few days time.

We’ll be back with Episode 335 in just a few short days!

Happy New Year and enjoy the show!

Join us in the campervan as we conclude our coverage of Doctor Who: Flux and get ready for the the beginning of the end of the 13th Doctor’s era! Michele, Brent, Ian and James take you through their final Flux thoughts (for now)!

As always, we’d love to hear from you. Drop us your thoughts and we’ll discuss in an upcoming DWP. Email us at, get in touch on Twitter or search for us on Facebook.

Enjoy the show!

Join Michele, Phil and James as they rummage though the DWP virtual mailbag and discuss you thoughts about Flux. What was your favourite episode? Which cliffhanger left you dangling the most?! And above all, did you think Mr Chibnall stuck the landing?! Tune in to find out!

As always, we love hearing from you. Send in your thoughts and feedback (audio or written) and we’ll discuss in an upcoming DWP. Email us at, get in touch on Twitter or search for us on Facebook.

Join us in a a week or so for our final episode where in which we will conclude our coverage of Flux. Time to put in in the past (or IS it?!) and focus on the upcoming special episode due to broadcast on New Year’s Day, Eve of the Daleks!

Enjoy the show!

Join the DWP Team for our final (for now) midweek episode as Leeson, Drew, Michele, Brent, Ian, Phil and Scott deliver their verdict on the last new episode of Doctor Who we will see on our tellyboxes this year, The Vanquishers.

Was the landing stuck? Tune in to find out what we thought!

We will back shortly with our Season 13 Flux wrap-up – what will the mood in the Campervan be like after the dust has settled? And feel free to get your thoughts to us for discussion on the upcoming feedback episode – send 2/3 minutes of audio (any format) to – or drop us thoughts in written form to the same address. thedrwhopodcast is our twitter handle and you can join the conversation on our Facebook page.

Enjoy the show!

That’s it! Flux has Fluxxed it’s final Flux and that’s it for new Doctor Who for 2021. Or until New Year’s Day, in less than a month! Join James and Phil as they bring you their immediate thoughts on the episode.

What did you think?! Was that a satisfactory?! We want to hear from you!

Send in your thoughts and feedback (audio or written) and we’ll discuss on an upcoming episode. Email us at, get in touch on Twitter or search for us on Facebook.

The campervan is back in force – join Survivors, Michele and James, Scott and Phil, Brent and Drew as they bring you (what is supposed to be) the more considered of this week’s DWPs!

Join us again shortly after The Vanquishers – Episode of 6 of Flux airs on Sunday for the finale! It’s getting exciting now!

Get in touch with us at and enjoy the show!