All good things must come to an end, and in this episode we say goodbye to David Tennant as the 10th Doctor and the DWPs look at his era of the show.

With only the specials of 2009/2010 left, the 10th Doctor somehow knows the end is near.  How will he cope with the impending prophecies?

LetJames, Leeson and Trevor take your hand and guide you to the end of arguably the most popular Doctor of the modern era.

Trev, Leeson and James forge on with our indepth 10th Doctor retrospective, looking over the era of the show dominated by actor David Tenant.

In this episode we look at Christmas specials, the year that was in 2008 and cast our eye forward to the inevitable end to this incarnation.


2007 was a strange time for Doctor Who – now established as a regular piece of Saturday night telly for three months each year, what would the production team be able to come up with to prevent the interest of millions of viewers from waning? Large hybrid human/rhinos of course!   Join the DWP team for part two of their romp through the David Tennant years.  Series three is put under the microscope asJames, Trevor and Leeson sit down and talk about Martha, pocket-watches, Derek Jacobi and a certain deified Time Lord.

Make sure you join Leeson and Trevor for part three of our Tenth Doctorathon next week.


Part one of our Tenth Doctor Retrospective is finally here – join Trevor, Leeson and James as they calmly and reasonably debate Doctor Who in 2006.  Listen as no furniture flies through the air. Revel in the tranquility as scerene and articlate as views are exchanged in a loving and caring campervan atmosphere.  In fact, use this podcast as a theraputic relaxation tool to take a break from the madness of this crazy  world we all inhabit!

On serious note (well, relatively) this episode sees the DWP team start another of their seemingly very popular era-retrospectives. The tenth Doctor’s era is a funny one – on one hand it feels very recent, but in this episode the boys find themselves talking about episodes that were first transmitted on BBC1 six years ago. SIX years ago!

The lads are back next week in part two to talk about Shakespeare, Martha and Masters in Series 3.




A chance for the strange inhabitants of the DWP Campervan, otherwise known as Trevor, Leeson and Ian to let their hair down and talk an even higher level of nonsense than is typical in a podcast.  Yes ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for another world famous DWP Geek Out!

Topics plucked from nowhere this episode include:

(please note not all topics listed may be in the podcast)

Ian and Michele also share with us their review of the first portions of the I Davros series from Big Finish.

No sniggering down the back there!  This is serious!  THIS. IS. PODCASTING!

Step inside the DWP campervan for a final look back at the series 7.  Did the five episodes live up to their ‘movie of the week’ billing promulgated by Mr Moffat and his team?  Or did they fall – well, just a little bit flat?  What of the ‘standalone, no-arc’ policy?  Did it work? Was it even true?!  Will you miss the Ponds? Did they have a happy or sad farwell? Will we see them again?!  And just how much of a coincidence was it that the Statue of Liberty was exactly the right height so that her head poked menacingly above the roof-edge at Winter Quay?!

So many questions! Join Trevor (he’s back!) and James (he’s s still here) as they attempt to answer some of these, and some other, more sensible ones posed by our listeners!

Feedback always welcome – send it to“>


Well.  That was it!  Everything seems strange and lonely now. The first five epsiodes of season seven are now a thing of the past.  There’s no more new Doctor Who to watch on our tellyboxes until Christmas.  What we are going to do on Saturday evenings now?  Hmmm.  Watch Doctor Who DVD’s probably…..  Anyway, Tom and James sit down and talk about The Angels Take Manhattan.  They’re visited by non-linear versions of Ian and Trevor in their respective time bubbles.

Episode 167 will be our season seven wrap-up and feedback episode, so send your audio thoughts and musings to us at

Join Tom, James and Leeson as they get ready for the mid-season finale of series seven of Doctor Who!  Can it be just a month ago that we all sat down in front of our telly boxes, oozing strange anticipatory juices from secretions we didn’t know we had?

The chaps take a pause for breath before the last episode of Dr Who for almost three months airs this coming Saturday. Speculation and guesswork abound – but for those of you with a spoilery disposition, there is a two minute conversation during this episode about a controversial trailer for Angels that as you read this, has already aired in Canada. Leeson gives a clear warning before we start discussing that point which might be a notch or two above some sensitive listener’s spoiler threshold.

We’ll be back in episode 166 after Angels has aired – sadly however, this will not be straight after the programme transmits in the UK this time – you’ll have to wait until Tuesday!!

Feedback always welcome – email us“>


Writer Chris Chibnall’s second story for Series 7 – The Power of Three goes under the DWP microscope this episode.

Ian and James are in the review seats this episode and are joined later on by a mysterious Leeson in a time-eddy. Really.

The feedback has been pouring into the DWP inbox over the past few weeks, full of your comments on the first few episodes from Season 7.

In this episode, Trevor, Michele and Tom go through the feedback received.

And since they have been absent from the initial review eps, they also share their thoughts on the first three episodes.