Yes, he’s back! Christopher Eccleston has finally dusted off the ol’ leather jacket and returned to the role of Ninth Doctor, courtesy of Big Finish Productions. Join long term fans of Big Finish James, Ian and Michele as they talk about Ravages, the first Ninth Doctor box set of audio plays in the most spoiler-free way possible. Be warned – every fan’s spoiler threshold varies and whilst pains have been taken not to reveal story details, even the most minor point can spoil the enjoyment for some- so listening is ENTIRELY at your own risk! Gottit?! Fantastic! 🙂

Phil joins James later in the show to discuss how his (now finished) TARDIS-build! This conversation was recorded some time ago but did not make it onto a previous DWP for timing reasons. It is however, such a wonderful discussion and cements Phil’s status as uber-fan so profoundly that we just had to find a spot for it! You can also watch Phil talk about building his project in intricate detail on the Who’s He YouTube page!

As always, we’d love to hear from you! Send in your thoughts and feedback (audio or written) on anything Who or DWP related and we’ll discuss on an upcoming episode. Email us at, get in touch on Twitter or search for us on Facebook.

Join Phil, Michele and James as they pull the DWP campervan into the last layby/rest-area (delete as applicable) before the 2020 exit! What’s on the agenda? Well, a preview of the Revolution of the Daleks – but after that, who knows?! WHO KNOWS?! Anything is game in this bonus episode.

Enjoy Revolution of the Daleks on New Year’s Day – and join us for Episode 316 when we will let you know what we think of it! Don’t forget to us know what YOU think of it –, on Twitter or find us on Facebook.

Have a great New Year and enjoy the show!

The campervan is back! After nearly six months, the DWP returns with James and Phil at the helm. What do they cover? Well, it’s probably easier to ask what don’t they cover?! After being held back by a life-changing global pandemic, nothing stops James waxing lyrical for over an hour, almost without drawing a single breath – although to his credit, Phil does try!

Series 12 six-months on, Christopher Eccleston’s return to role with Big Finish, Jon Culshaw as the Brigadier, Tweetalongs, Doctor Who lockdown quizzes, Missing Episodes and those that hunt for them, the Special Edition of the Power of the Daleks animation and Fury from the Deep are just some of the topics discussed!

So find an armchair – or a corner in your favourite COVID-safe public house – and tune in!

Get in touch with the DWP team by emailing them – reach them on Twitter or track them down on Facebook.

Enjoy the show.

An old fashioned Geek Out is to be had in this episode of the DWP, wherein Trevor and Michele try and resist the urge to talk about Series 8 of Doctor Who, and instead talk about Big Finish, Series 8 and Pringles.

Warning – episode may contain unreasonably large amounts of talk about Pringles.

Join Trev, James and Ian as they record live and unedited huddled around a single microphone.  Yes, Trev is here in the UK and the opportunity to record in person whilst on a trip to Cardiff was simply too good to miss. So pull up a chair as the three friends discuss Trev’s trip to the UK, shrines to fictional characters and take a causal look back at the last ten episodes of Doctor Who that have comprised series 8.

It’s another geek-out in the Campervan this week – well, you seem to like them and we can’t get enough of them either!  This week however there is an underlying theme to the otherwise unplanned banter. Do the stories told though Doctor Who have any deeper meaning than is immediately apparent? Is there an ideology being transmitted though the show? Join Tom and James and they mull this over – and get distracted several times on the way.

Ian and Michele reach the mid-point of the third season of Eight Doctor and Charley Big Finish plays and review The Creed of the Kromon.

Enjoy the show.

Join Michele, Stephen and James for the latest DWP geekout – 30 minutes of Doctor Who chatter without any planning or structure!  The five minutes of planned sanity see Michele and Ian talk about Big Finish‘s 40th Main Range release, the mighty Zagreus.

Join us next week for Part 2 of our Regenerations series when Logopolis will be put under the DWP microscope.

Enjoy the show!

Join Stephen and Leeson as they geek out over this year’s Gallifrey One convention.  Stephen (who attended) describes his experiences to Leeson (who stayed at home). Hear Leeson’s frustration gradually increase as Stephen reveals what it’s like when 3,300 Doctor Who fans from around the globe converge in a hotel, pretty much at the end of one of the runways at Los Angeles Airport.

Ian and Michele continue their trek through the early Eighth Doctor and Charley stories as they review Big Finish‘s Invaders from Mars and The Chimes of Midnight.

There  was a recording issue this episode that has resulted in Stephen’s voice sounding like a partially converted Cyberman.  Apologies for this and hopefully it won’t interfere with your listening pleasure too much!

Join Stephen, Michele and James as they geek out over the latest Doctor Who news.  And George Formby.

We also welcome Stephen Elsden back to the campervan for Part 1 of Re-Trial of a Time Lord – a new mini-series where Stephen talks about his reaction to watching Series 23 for the very first time, some thirty years after it first aired on BBC1.

As if that wasn’t enough, then Michele and Ian continue their trek through the Eighth Doctor Big Finish plays and turn their attention to Sword of Orion!

Enjoy the show.

Join James, Stephen and Ian as they get together to talk about….well, it’s a geek-out so anything’s on the cards.  It’s only natural however that the conversation heads in the direction of reviewing the 50th Anniversary year.  All three attended the Celebration at the Excel so that gets a review along with a chat about all the other celebratory events that have taken place .   In all the excitement, a lone voice dares to say; yes Doctor Who has taken over television – but has there been enough of the actual flagship show itself?  Would we have traded the Afterparty and The Science of Doctor Who for another episode of the show itself?  Hmmm.

Next week – it’s BACK!  Yes, it’s our Christmas Quiz!!