It a Sergeant Benton special!! Yes, Stephen and Leeson team up once again and review the rather superb documentary included on the Special Edition of The Claws of Axos DVD, Living With Levene.  It’s a unique feature in which Toby Hadoke spends a weekend with John Levene in an attempt to get to know the real person responsible for the character Doctor Who fans know as Sergeant Benton.  Does he succeed?! Tune in to find out.

Ian and Michele also bring you a review of John Levene’s first Big Finish Companion Chronicle, Council of War.

Tune in again this coming weekend for a bonus edition of The Doctor Who Podcast as we bring you the first in a mini-series of interviews with Doctor Who writers of various media.  First up is Jonathan Morris.

In this episode, Stephen, Tom and James discuss the announcement made last week that The Day of The Doctor will be simulcast in over 75 countries around the globe.  Now just why didn’t that happen with The Five Doctors?!

They also bring you the final part in the latest mini-series of Burning Issues – to what extent does the lead actor actually need to act in order to successfully portray the Doctor?!

Michele and Ian are also back discussing the final two parts of the second run of Big Finish’s spin-off series from Remembrance of the Daleks, Counter Measures.

The reptiles theme continues this week as James, Stephen and a special guest talk about the much-maligned Warriors of the Deep.  What will the Campervan occupants make of the re-imagined Silurians and Sea Devils and of course, everyone’s favourite pet marine monster, the Myrka?

Stephen also has the privilege of talking to the wonderful Tara Ward who played Preston in Warriors about her memories of being cast, filming and what things were like on Sea Base 4.

Enjoy the show.

This week the Campervan time travels back to 1967 to take a look at the classic story, The Ice Warriors. The story has recently been released on two brand new shiny DVDs and the two missing episodes have been animated, allowing fans to experience the story in a way that simply hasn’t been possible until now.

So Join Tom, James, Stephen and Leeson as they sit round the Campervan’s small tellybox and take it in turns to do Ice Warrior impressions.

For the more discerning listener, Ian and Michele talk about reptiles of a different kind as they review an early Big Finish play featuring Silurians – Bloodtide.

Discussing rumours of newly discovered missing episodes is a prerequisite of being a Doctor Who fan.  Where would be all be if we didn’t allow ourselves the secret hope that one day, someone will find the 106 episodes missing from the BBC archives in a box in someone’s loft or in the bowels of an overseas Broadcaster’s Headquarters?!

Well, as pretty much every fan knows, the latest sets of rumours gained some serious traction and have been bouncing around fandom for the last 18 months or so.  What does the DWP team make of them?  Yes, join Stephen, James and Leeson as they discuss what they’ve heard and allow themselves to dream……



Stephen and Michele share similar cultural and Doctor Who histories. They’ll agree on everything, right? Judge for yourself as they discuss a recent Big Finish main range trilogy – The Burning Prince, The Acheron Pulse and The Shadow Heart. But it isn’t until they turn their thoughts to the casting of Peter Capaldi that things get really … uh … “hot.”

We also offer a calmer, more refined Big Finish review from Ian and Michele. This week they conclude their look at the second series of Fourth Doctor and first Romana stories with a review of the two-part finale,  The Dalek Contract and The Final Phase.

Join Stephen, Leeson and James in the second of our newest series of Burning Issues episodes.  The Sonic Screwdriver.  Love it or hate it, it’s become a fundamental part of the show in much the same way as the TARDIS is.   But has it’s continual presence in the series since 2005 done the show any favours? Do writers rely on it too much now as a magic wand that can resolve plot points?  Join us in the campervan to find out what we think.

Michele and Ian also pop in and post a review of parts one and two of the second series of Counter Measures – the Big Finish spin-off series from Remembrance of the Daleks.

And welcome to a landmark episode of The Doctor Who Podcast – for the first time, all six hosts appear on this one! But not at the same time….. it’s timey wimey.

Stephen, Tom and James zip all the way back to 1965 and talk about the first story in the third series of Doctor Who, Galaxy Four.  A reconstruction of the story (including the recently recovered complete third episode) was released on the Special Edition of The Aztecs DVD, and it’s this version of the story the team take a look at.  Not being one to be left out of a good ol’ natter about missing episodes, Leeson jumps in with his opinion too.

Still locked in the Campervan Annex, Michele and Ian and  have been passing the time by looking at another story that until recently, consisted of just one surviving episode.  Join them as they take a look at The Underwater Menace.

We’ll be back next week with the second in our newest series of Burning Issues podcasts. This time we put the sonic screwdriver under the spotlight and ask if it’s time for it to go…..Terileptil style.

Stephen continues his mission to record with the entire DWP Campervan crew in the space of just one month.  Not afraid of controversy, Stephen opts to discuss another thorny issue – can Doctor Who really be considered as a British show any longer? Who better to fly the flag for Britiain, but the softest, fluffiest and sweetest member of the DWP, Mr Leeson Fischer.  Abandon hope all ye who download.

For the sane listeners, Michele and Ian bring you a review of the next Big Finish’s fourth Doctor and Romana play, Phantoms of the Deep.

For listeners that survive this episode, we’ll be back next week to to look at two early stories that have both had episodes returned to the BBC archives recently, Galaxy Four and the Underwater Menace.

Ian and Stephen are in the Campervan this week talking about the idea of an older actor playing the Doctor.  After having several beautiful young men in the prime of their life play the part, we are now presented with a more mature option, Peter Capaldi.

Ian and Stephen talk about their reaction to the casting decision and indeed, what an older lead actor means for show. The boys even dare to discuss the thorny subject of “Just how old is the Doctor?”. Wow.  it’ll be UNIT dating next.

If that wasn’t enough, Michele joins Ian for a chat about another fourth Doctor and Romana Big Finish audio, The Justice of Jalxar.

Hold on to your hats for next week – it’s the one we’ve ALL been waiting for.  When Stephen met Leeson.  You have been warned.