Is there a character from from one story, or perhaps just one episode of Doctor Who that you find particularly memorable?  Or is there anyone that you felt gave such good performance that they had you wishing them through the doors of the TARDIS?  Have you been disappointed at having to say goodbye to a Companion That Never Was?!  The history of televised Doctor Who is littered with fantastic performances from members of supporting cast.  Join James, Ian, Michele and Tony as they put forward their candidates of who they believe would have made a fantastic companion to the Doctor.

Join us for a landmark Episode of The Doctor Who Podcast! 250 DWPs eh?! Who’d have thought?!  Well, this time we have a treat for you as Ian gets to spend some chatting to the Eight Doctor himself, Mr Paul McGann at this year’s Big Finish Day 4.

The Campervan is full to bursting this week as Trevor, James, Leeson, Michele and Stephen all make an appearance (of sorts!) and chime in with their thoughts about the Eight Doctor era.

Enjoy the show.

Join Michele, Tom and Stephen as they talk about the role of the all-powerful Showrunner – and toss some names of potential candidates in the air in terms of whom might succeed Steven Moffat when the time comes.

Ian and Michele continue their voyage through season two of the Eight Doctor and Charley Big Finish plays and take a look at Seasons of Fear and Embrace the Darkness.

We’ll be back next week with Episode 250!  And we’ve a little surprise for you in store….

Enjoy the show.

Join James and a special guest (a very, very special guest)  as they talk their way through six – yes, SIX Big Finish Main Range plays.  Sit back and hear them talk about Eldrad Must Die, The Lady of Mercia, Prisoners of Fate, Persuasion, Starlight Robbery and Daleks Among Us.

We’ll be back next week when we turn our attention to just who might follow Steven Moffat as Showrunner of Doctor Who.

Enjoy the show.

Join Stephen and Leeson as they geek out over this year’s Gallifrey One convention.  Stephen (who attended) describes his experiences to Leeson (who stayed at home). Hear Leeson’s frustration gradually increase as Stephen reveals what it’s like when 3,300 Doctor Who fans from around the globe converge in a hotel, pretty much at the end of one of the runways at Los Angeles Airport.

Ian and Michele continue their trek through the early Eighth Doctor and Charley stories as they review Big Finish‘s Invaders from Mars and The Chimes of Midnight.

There  was a recording issue this episode that has resulted in Stephen’s voice sounding like a partially converted Cyberman.  Apologies for this and hopefully it won’t interfere with your listening pleasure too much!

With just two days to go before the largest Doctor Who Convention kicks off in Los Angeles, Stephen and Michele are joined by Chip Sudderth, also known as The Two Minute Time Lord to preview Gallifrey One 25.

Join the US occupation of the Campervan to hear about experiences of Gallifreys past and the preview of the programme for this year’s event.  Stephen, Michele and Chip will all be there at the LAX Marriott for the con, so if you’re going, make you track them down and say ‘hi’.

Enjoy the show.