When in doubt, geek out!

Tom and Trevor are in the caravan this week and thought it was time for the DWP to start one of their quite famous geek outs.

We did then quite a lot back when we were with the DWO WhoCast, so it only seems fitting to start them on the DWP.

We discuss the recent release of the Creature from the Pit DVD, the Doctor Who proms, and just what is a companion?

We also try and stump each other with some devlishly difficult Doctor Who quiz questions.

Tom finds himself alone in the campervan this week and takes the opportunity to blow the dust and cobwebs off an interview he recorded at the Fab Cafe event in Manchester in June.

Fab Cafe is a wonderful little bar/convention location which occasionally plays host to guests from the world of Doctor Who. Tom was lucky enough to speak to a few of the guests, and it is our pleasure to present more in this episode of the DWP. Check out Episode 18 of The Doctor Who Podcast for more from this event.

In this ep Tom talks to Ryan Hendrick, who is the driving force behind a superb new fan film, Besieged. Tom talks with him about how he put it together, and some promising news for the future.

Yes, stuff has happened in the Doctor Who world that doesn’t involve Matt Smith!

We have ignored the news over the past few months or so whilst we concentrated on Season 5, so we rectify that with this episode.

We bring you all the news thats fit to print, from the worlds of Sarah Jane Smith, Torchwood, Big Finish and a little show called Doctor Who.

Part 3 available… not!

Trevor and James go it alone in the campervan this week and finish their exhaustive at the latest season of Doctor Who.

We cover many topics. from the kids perspective on the season to just how hot is River Song? The big issues are covered in this episode, yes siree!

Yes, we do have more to say about the season!

Now it is all done and dusted the DWP team can sit back and take it all in and discuss our overall reaction to Season 5. Trevor, Tom and James cover a variety of subjects in this episode, and play some of the excellent feedback we have received.

Oh no, no new Who!

It is hard to believe the season is over, no more weekly Doctor Who fix! Tom and Trevor spend a bit of time in the campervan going over the fan reaction to the season finale, The Big Bang. We see what the forums are saying, play listener feedback and offer our thoughts on this story.

OK, James and Trevor were wrong, enough already!

James and Trevor together in the campervan for this episode to discuss the fan reaction to The Pandorica Opens. We share our thoughts, your thoughts, play some listener feedback and some predictions for just what The Big Bang will have in store for us on Saturday night.

The Doctor plays Wembley. Everyone leaves.

The end of the season is upon us, so it seems only fitting to devote an extra long podcast to the analysis of the penultimate story from Season 5 – The Pandorica Opens.

Trev, Tom and James are in the campervan standing by to share their thoughts with you about the episode that reveals so much, but hints at so much more.

Get your thoughts in for our feedback episode, quick!