In the second of our Writers Specials, we speak to Tommy Donbavand and Simon Guerrier about writing for Doctor Who.  Tommy talks about his recent Eleventh Doctor and Clara novel, Shroud of Sorrow and Simon about giving words to the Second Doctor and Jamie in is his Destiny of the Doctors audio, Shadow of Death.

Join Stephen, Tony and Laura as they guide you through the interviews – oh, and there’s a cameo from a truly ghostly voice from the DWP’s murky past……

Join us for Episode 234 next week for our review of Big Finish’s Light at the End.

Tom and Michele return to the Campervan and waste no time at all in dissecting the trailer for the 50th Anniversary episode, The Day of the Doctor that was released last week.

They then talk about the recent Big Finish sixth Doctor and Mel trilogy, The Wrong Doctors, Spaceport Fear and The Seeds of War.  Whilst the DWP team are geeking out about this sometime controversial TARDIS team, Ian pops in to chat about the Mechanoids sole Big Finish outing, The Juggernauts.

Tune in next week to hear the verdict on what has been arguably Big Finish’s most anticipated release EVER – the 50th anniversary special featuring Doctors 1 to 8 – The Light at the End!


In this edition of The Doctor Who Podcast, Stephen, Leeson and James take a look back at the soon-ending Matt Smith era of the show and choose two episodes each of what they consider to be must-see eleventh Doctor stories to talk about.  But will they agree on the definition of ‘must-see’?! Do space-pigs fly?

For sane listeners, Ian and Michele take a look at Big Finish’s first multi-doctor story, The Sirens of Time.

So put the kettle on, pull up a chair and treat yourself to a jammy dodger and listen to the DWP team wax lyrical about Matt Smith and Doctor Who screened since 2010.

Enjoy the show.

As every fan will know by now, it was recently announced that nine previously missing episodes of classic Doctor Who had been found and returned to the BBC Archive.  Hooray!  The find means we can watch The Enemy of the World in its entirety and five complete episodes of The Web of Fear.

In this episode, James, Stephen and Ian discuss how the story unfolded and speculate about whether the story has now run its course or if we can allow ourselves to believe more episodes are on their way….


In a bonus edition of The Doctor Who Podcast, we bring you the first in a mini-series of interviews with writers who have become synonymous with Doctor Who fiction, either through writing books, Big Finish audios or extensive articles for Doctor Who Magazine – or in many cases, all three!

First up, it’s Jonathon Morris who takes time out from his appearance at Big Finish Day 3 to speak to us. Jonny’s back catalogue of Doctor Who output is vast – and is still growing.  He’s the author of over 40 Big Finish audio plays and four original Doctor Who novels for the BBC. Check out his blog – it makes facinating reading.

In this interview he talks to Tony and Laura, our intrepid roving reporters at about writing, missing episodes and how it feels to put words into the mouths of actors we became familiar with by watching them on the telly all those years ago.

Many thanks to both Big Finish Productions and to 10th Planet Events for allowing us to cover the event. Enjoy the show!

It a Sergeant Benton special!! Yes, Stephen and Leeson team up once again and review the rather superb documentary included on the Special Edition of The Claws of Axos DVD, Living With Levene.  It’s a unique feature in which Toby Hadoke spends a weekend with John Levene in an attempt to get to know the real person responsible for the character Doctor Who fans know as Sergeant Benton.  Does he succeed?! Tune in to find out.

Ian and Michele also bring you a review of John Levene’s first Big Finish Companion Chronicle, Council of War.

Tune in again this coming weekend for a bonus edition of The Doctor Who Podcast as we bring you the first in a mini-series of interviews with Doctor Who writers of various media.  First up is Jonathan Morris.

In this episode, Stephen, Tom and James discuss the announcement made last week that The Day of The Doctor will be simulcast in over 75 countries around the globe.  Now just why didn’t that happen with The Five Doctors?!

They also bring you the final part in the latest mini-series of Burning Issues – to what extent does the lead actor actually need to act in order to successfully portray the Doctor?!

Michele and Ian are also back discussing the final two parts of the second run of Big Finish’s spin-off series from Remembrance of the Daleks, Counter Measures.

The reptiles theme continues this week as James, Stephen and a special guest talk about the much-maligned Warriors of the Deep.  What will the Campervan occupants make of the re-imagined Silurians and Sea Devils and of course, everyone’s favourite pet marine monster, the Myrka?

Stephen also has the privilege of talking to the wonderful Tara Ward who played Preston in Warriors about her memories of being cast, filming and what things were like on Sea Base 4.

Enjoy the show.

This week the Campervan time travels back to 1967 to take a look at the classic story, The Ice Warriors. The story has recently been released on two brand new shiny DVDs and the two missing episodes have been animated, allowing fans to experience the story in a way that simply hasn’t been possible until now.

So Join Tom, James, Stephen and Leeson as they sit round the Campervan’s small tellybox and take it in turns to do Ice Warrior impressions.

For the more discerning listener, Ian and Michele talk about reptiles of a different kind as they review an early Big Finish play featuring Silurians – Bloodtide.

Discussing rumours of newly discovered missing episodes is a prerequisite of being a Doctor Who fan.  Where would be all be if we didn’t allow ourselves the secret hope that one day, someone will find the 106 episodes missing from the BBC archives in a box in someone’s loft or in the bowels of an overseas Broadcaster’s Headquarters?!

Well, as pretty much every fan knows, the latest sets of rumours gained some serious traction and have been bouncing around fandom for the last 18 months or so.  What does the DWP team make of them?  Yes, join Stephen, James and Leeson as they discuss what they’ve heard and allow themselves to dream……