Join Phil and James as they preview the now imminent Series 13 – Chapter 1 of Flux will be on our telly boxes in a week’s time!

They also attempt to catch up on all the Who news/goings-on in Whodom that happened straight after the release of the last DWP! So the trailer for Flux, the mysterious materialisation/re-matarialisation of the BBC’s Doctor Who social media channels – and the announcement that Classic Series 17 will be the next to be given the bluray treatment are all covered here. Surely nothing else can be announced? Episode titles for Flux perhaps?! NAH!!!

We’ll be back as soon as possible after Flux airs next Sunday – enjoy the show but more importantly, enjoy Doctor Who being back on the telly!

Join James and Drew as they try to remember they are supposed to be talking about how the news that Jodie Whittaker and Chis Chibnall are moving on has been received in the United States of America. However, they end up going off on all kind of geeky-tangents!

PLEASE NOTE this Episode was recorded the day BEFORE the news broke that Russell T Davies is returning to the show. If you’re after the Campervan’s take on that development, it’s already online here! Go grab! But make sure you come back for this one too – it’s still contains audio-gold!

Episode 326 will be online next week, a little later than planned given the quite frankly extraordinary events of the last ten days!

Enjoy the show.

Join Ian and James in the campervan as they attempt to process the news that former showrunner, Russell T Davies will take over from Chris Chibnall when he leaves Doctor Who with Jodie Whittaker in 2022.

We’ll be back with a more considered reaction shortly – let us know what you think and we’ll include your thoughts in the show! Send us an MP3 (no more than two mins) or jot your thoughts down in an email and send it to us at!

Enjoy the show!

It’s another Special episode of the DWP! Join James and Phil as they discuss the (not so) recent news that Jodie Whittaker and Chris Chibnall are to leave Doctor Who in 2022 – a mere year before the show’s sixtieth anniversary! The discussion reaches far and wide and ventures into uncharted parts of the vortex as far as the Campervan is concerned. Intrigued? Tune in!

Why not join in the conversation?! We always love hearing from listeners and we’re very keen to hear what you make of the news.

Send in your thoughts and feedback (audio or written) on anything Who or DWP related and we’ll discuss on an upcoming episode. Email us at, get in touch on Twitter or search for us on Facebook.

We’ll be back shortly with Episode 325!

Enjoy the show.

It’s another Special episode of the DWP! Join James and Michele as they go through the bulging DWP mailbag. Or e-mailbag. Or Direct Messages. Yes, listen to two elderly Who fans as they struggle to accurate define (or identify) modern methods of communication! However, they do have some success and spend an podcast discussing the thoughts and comments our wonderful listeners have shared with us about our recent Eighth Wonder mini-series, Jodie Whittaker’s most recent series, coping with lockdown and of course, Big Finish.

Why not join in?! We always love hearing from listeners. Send in your thoughts and feedback (audio or written) on anything Who or DWP related and we’ll discuss on an upcoming episode. Email us at, get in touch on Twitter or search for us on Facebook.

We’ll be back at the end of the month with Episode 322.

Enjoy the show.

The voices are the same but the podcast is different….. or something! Join Drew, Brent, Michele and James in the now-annual tradition of beginning the New Year reviewing a recently animated classic Doctor Who story. This time, it’s the turn of The Faceless Ones.

Who & Company is a wonderful podcast hosted by Brent and Drew that has it’s roots firmly in Doctor Who fandom, however the subject matter of regular episodes goes far beyond the confines of the Whoniverse. Once a year however, the parallel worlds of the two shows converge and the focus is on squarely on classic Who.

W&C has a distinctly different tone to that of the DWP. It’s an easy listen, more laid back and less rushed. So pull up a lounger, grab a mug of coffee and get comfy and listen to four friends chew the fat about a classic Patrick Troughton story in Episode 49 of Who & Company, also known as Special 13 of the DWP.

Enjoy the show!

Join Phil, Michele and James as they pull the DWP campervan into the last layby/rest-area (delete as applicable) before the 2020 exit! What’s on the agenda? Well, a preview of the Revolution of the Daleks – but after that, who knows?! WHO KNOWS?! Anything is game in this bonus episode.

Enjoy Revolution of the Daleks on New Year’s Day – and join us for Episode 316 when we will let you know what we think of it! Don’t forget to us know what YOU think of it –, on Twitter or find us on Facebook.

Have a great New Year and enjoy the show!

Join Stephen, Michele and Ian for a special episode of the DWP as they delve into the bulging DWP mailbox and talk about what YOU think of Season 12 of Doctor Who so far! It’s always great to hear the thoughts and theories of of our wonderful listeners out there in DWP podcastland . Keep your feedback rolling in – we want to know what you think of the show, or indeed what you make of the inane bafflegab the DWP Team espouse on a weekly basis!

Email us at, reach us on Twitter or search up our Facebook page.

Enjoy the show.

It’s a bonus episode of the DWP! Join Brent and James for additional campervan goodness as they talk about Big Finish‘s Third Doctor Short Trip, Landbound.

We’ll be back at the end of the month with Episode 300!

Don’t forget to get in touch –, on Twitter or on Facebook.

Last week Doctor Who lost one of the most happy, vibrant and friendly of fans. Paul Spragg worked for Big Finish and was intrinsic to so much of their work. Big Finish released the news on their website last week.

Michele recorded an interview with Paul at Chicago TARDIS in 2012. Join them as they discuss Paul’s career, his fondness for puns and of course his work for Big Finish.