Join Ian and Michele for a catchup in the Campervan before we say so long to Summer 2024! The news, including the latest edition of The Doctor Who Proms, Series Three speculation and a glimpse into the DWP future are up for discussion.

Phil and Brent also drop by with their take on the Tales of the TARDIS edition of Pyramids of Mars.

We’ll be back with Episode 381 soon!

Enjoy the show.

Earlier this week, the Whoniverse lost one of it’s ‘founder members’ as William Russell passed away. William played Ian Chesterton in the early of years of Doctor Who, from 1963 to 1965. Join Michele and James as they recount their memories of William in Doctor Who before handing over to Brent and Drew who interviewed him in person at a US convention in 2018. The interview first went out on the Who and Company podcast as part of their convention coverage, and it’s wonderful to hear William so relaxed in his conversation.

Rest in Peace William, and thank you for the unforgettable memories. Neither you or your contribution to Doctor Who will be forgotten. We are Most Grateful.

Jump on board the Campervan for the final DWP before the new series! James and Phil talk about their hopes, dreams and fears just a few days ahead of Space Babies and The Devil’s Chord transmission.

We hope to be back online with our review of both episodes on the morning of 12th May (UK time) – that’s before it airs on BBC1, so you have been warned!!

Get in touch with us any time to let us know what you think by emailing the campervan at, on Twitter/X @thedrwhopodcast, on our Facebook Page or in our Facebook Group.

Enjoy the show – and see you on the other side of Space Babies and The Devil’s Chord!

Just two weeks to go! TWO WEEKS until we get new Doctor Who – it feels like ages since last year’s anniversary specials!

Join James and Michele as they revisit The Church of Ruby Road, specifically to talk through the many, many mysterious plot points and questions the episode asks. Multi-dimensional timey-wimey theories along with (yet more) attempts to identify Mrs Flood are the order of the day!

As always, you can contact the Campervan and let us know what you think of our theories – or more interestingly, share your own with us by e-mailing, Tweet @thedrwhopodcast or find us on Facebook.

We’ll be back in two weeks – just TWO WEEKS to let you have the DWP review of Episodes 1 and 2 – Space Babies and The Devil’s Chord.

Enjoy the show!

The Doctor Who Podcast returns from a spring break rested and refreshed. This time, Michele, Brent, and Drew take the campervan wheel to steer through a flurry of Doctor Who news releases.

Up for scrutiny and discussion: episode titles, the ch-ch-changes new season trailer, official companion news, and new Doctor Who novels for your summer reading list. Then Ian and Michele travel back in time to review the first-ever short trip from Big Finish, Rise and Fall. Finally, the happy campers finish with a look at your latest feedback, including more discussion of the new Big Finish Range Dark Gallifrey. Should you want to judge it for yourself, you can hear the first 15 minutes of the Morbius trilogy at the end of this Big Finish Podcast from 31st March.

Will the crew be as accurate as usual about things to come? Probably. But enjoy the show anyway!

As always, you can contact the Campervan by e-mailing, Tweet @thedrwhopodcast or find us on Facebook.

Enjoy the show!

The Campervan is back! After an enforced period of absence (it’s been a whole month guys!) James, Brent and Ian pull the Campervan into a the usual parking boy in the interstellar lot and put their feet up for a good ol’ geekout.

They cover midnight dropping in the UK, companion switch-ups, Season 15 on blu-ray and Big Finish‘s new monster-epic, Dark Gallifrey. Although precisely what monsters remains to be seen.

As always, you can contact the Campervan by e-mailing, Tweet @thedrwhopodcast or find us on Facebook.

Enjoy the show!

It’s another episode of the Doctor Who Podcast! Join us for an hour where we hand the mic to our wonderful listeners – yes, this is our much-anticipated feedback episode! Michele and very special guest Mr Chris Mead (The Oodcast and celebrity DWP listener) sift through the oodles (geddit?) of feedback we’ve received since Christmas via Facebook, X, email and DWP carrier pigeon.

Phil and Drew also drop by as neither could resist making predictions for 2024 after hearing how terrible the rest of the team did in Episode 369!!

Keep the feedback coming in, email us at, on X or on Facebook. You can also join out Facebook group and join in the conversations our listeners have already started.

Enjoy the show!

WOW! Just two weekends into November and the amount of Doctor Who material is impossible to keep track of! Daleks to the left of me, Cybermen to the right……!

Join James, Phil and Ian as they attempt to cover everything their fragile brains can remember – from the amount of content available on iPlayer quadrupling overnight with the addition of Classic Who, to the wonderful Tales of the TARDIS! Pull up a chair, warm yourself by the fire (made from parts of the 13th Doctor’s TARDIS!) and join us in the Campervan as we struggle contain our excitement.

Enjoy the show!

What’s that?! Two DWPS in one week?! I’m afraid so….

Put the kettle on, pull up a comfy chair and get the fire going (now that summer seems to have departed for good) – and join Phil and James as they sit down and waffle about all things Who. New Doctor Who figurines (or “tat” as Phil calls it), Doctor Who Unleashed, new CDs of scores to Time and the Rani and Revenge of Cybermen – and a natter about Redacted 2 fill the airwaves this time. Be warned though – there are tangents! And more tangents! And tangents to those tangents! And tangents from the planet Tangent!

If that wasn’t enough (it was), the episode rounds off with a discussion about a wonderful little Third Doctor and Brigadier story from Big Finish and Angus Dunican. What more could you possibly ask for? What was that? LESS, you say?! Well, hurrumph!

Do get in touch with us on Twitter (or X), Facebook or by email – and enjoy the show.