Doctor Who is not the only thing that’s returned this week – we are proud to present the return of the rather lovely LEESON FISCHER to the DWP Campervan to share his thoughts (and he does have thoughts) about The Halloween Apocalypse.

Not wishing to miss out, Phil returns with a very special guest reviewer – and Drew, Ian and Brent also get in on the action. So yes dear listener, that’s SIX reviewers on the DWP this week – so far!

Don’t forget to get in touch to let us know what you thought of the episode – send an email to us at! We’ll be back next week to review Chapter 2 of Flux – War of the Sontarans.

Enjoy the show!

It’s BACK! Doctor Who is back on our tellyboxes in Chapter 1 of the six-episode epic, FLUX. Join Phil and James in the campervan for their hot-take on Episode 1, The Halloween Apocalypse!

What did you think?! We want to hear from you! Send in your thoughts and feedback (audio or written) and we’ll discuss on an upcoming episode. Email us at, get in touch on Twitter or search for us on Facebook.

Enjoy the show!

Join Phil and James as they preview the now imminent Series 13 – Chapter 1 of Flux will be on our telly boxes in a week’s time!

They also attempt to catch up on all the Who news/goings-on in Whodom that happened straight after the release of the last DWP! So the trailer for Flux, the mysterious materialisation/re-matarialisation of the BBC’s Doctor Who social media channels – and the announcement that Classic Series 17 will be the next to be given the bluray treatment are all covered here. Surely nothing else can be announced? Episode titles for Flux perhaps?! NAH!!!

We’ll be back as soon as possible after Flux airs next Sunday – enjoy the show but more importantly, enjoy Doctor Who being back on the telly!

Join James and Drew as they try to remember they are supposed to be talking about how the news that Jodie Whittaker and Chis Chibnall are moving on has been received in the United States of America. However, they end up going off on all kind of geeky-tangents!

PLEASE NOTE this Episode was recorded the day BEFORE the news broke that Russell T Davies is returning to the show. If you’re after the Campervan’s take on that development, it’s already online here! Go grab! But make sure you come back for this one too – it’s still contains audio-gold!

Episode 326 will be online next week, a little later than planned given the quite frankly extraordinary events of the last ten days!

Enjoy the show.

Michele and James are back to bring you the latest episode of the DWP. They are joined early on by Drew and Ian for the latest installment of Nine Lives which has reached Episode 9 of Series 1, Boom Town.

Michele then goes through her list of Doctor Who media that she has been reading, watching and listening to – James joins her in discussing The Gunfighters, Twice Upon a Time followed by the rather wonder Shooting Scripts book that complements both the 2005 Series and our Nine Lives saga alike. And of course, what podcast would be complete without a quick round up on the latest following the (not so recent) news that Jodie Whittaker and Chris Chibnall will leaving Doctor Who next year?!

As always, we’d love to hear from you. Send in your thoughts and feedback (audio or written) on anything Who or DWP related and we’ll discuss on an upcoming episode. Email us at, get in touch on Twitter or search for us on Facebook.

Enjoy the show.

Join James, Stephen and Michele as they take a look at the highly anticipated finale to Series 8, Death in Heaven.

Make sure you get your feedback on this year’s finale – audio only please and keep it to under two minutes. is the address you need to write on the front of your envelope.

The feedback bag is positively overflowing with your audio feedback on the first batch of episodes from Series 8 of Doctor Who. Join Trevor and Michele as they sift through it.

You have heard what we think, now it’s time to hear what you think!

Join the DWP in an extended version of the podcast as they travel to moon to……review its murder. Yes, Stephen, Ian, James and (now regular guest) Nerdist blogger Kyle Anderson (he won’t leave!) talk about Episode 7 of the current series, Kill The Moon. Trev also drops in with his views.

James also speaks to Tony Osoba about his appearance in Kill The Moon, which is actually his third appearance in Doctor Who after guest roles in Destiny of the Daleks and Dragonfire. He talks about working with Peter Capaldi, travelling to Lanzarote with the cast and crew and how Capaldi’s approach to the Doctor differs from Tom Baker and Sylvester McCoy’s.

Keep your thoughts coming in – we’ll be doing an episode comprising solely of your feedback soon.  Mail your opinions, thoughts and reviews (audio only and keep it  under two minutes please) to

Enjoy the show!