Chip and James are in the campervan this week reviewing the stories that comprise the first half of the new 8th Doctor season of stories from Big Finish.

Listen in as they review Situation Vacant, Nevermore, Book of Kells and Deimos.

All these stories are available for purchase now via the Big Finish website. Get a great Xmas gift for that special Doctor Who fan in your life!

Toby and Rob are really nice people

A very exciting episode this week for you. We have managed to secure an interview with Rob Shearman and Toby Hadoke, authors of a new book from the fine bods atMad Norwegian Press.

It is called Running Through Corridors, and it chronicles the adventures of two insane Doctor Who fans who decided to watch one episode of Doctor Who, per day and is available now, from Mad Norwegian Press. Listen in the episode for your chance to win a copy of the book!

All the way from the beginning.

The very beginning, in 1963.

Watch them all, then say something nice about every episode.

No small feat I am sure you will agree!

Toby and Rob chat with Chip from the 2 Minute Timelord podcast, who stepped in to help us out with the interview. Thanks Chip!

As a companion piece to this episode, hop on over to the 2 Minute Timelord website and listen to Chip’s review of the book in his show, Episode 178.

Do we *have* to say the welcome return of Tegan?

Tom and James continue to dominate the caravan this week and take the opportunity to wrap their ears around some of the latest offerings fromBig Finish.

This episode sees the boys review the Turlough/Tegan/Nyssa trilogy of stories – Cobwebs, The Whispering Forest and The Cradle of the Snake. This trilogy sees the return of the trio of companions that delighted us during the Black Guardian trilogy of stories of the classic series.

Just one question… where’s Trev?

We crack open the mailbag, see it is empty, and crack open our email inbox instead

Tom and James are the dynamic duo in the campervan this week as they crack open the mailbag and cover the feedback we have received over the past month or so.

A lot of subjects to cover, and added to that a lot of the usual witter, urbane banter from the boys!

Thank you so much for all your feedback, we love hearing from you. Keep it coming!

This one is the real… deal.

It certainly has been a busy week here at DWP Towers, quizzes and commentary tracks keeping the 50th episode celebration week ticking nicely along.

We have saved the best for last though – episode 50 is now yours to enjoy, and there is a lot to enjoy in this little file!

First up is an interview with the Seventh Doctor and soon to be Lord of the Rings Wizard, Sylvester McCoy.

Tom was lucky enough to have a bit of a chat with McCoy in his recent trip to the Big Finish studios. We think you will find this interview unlike any other you have heard from him.

Back in the studio, the boys review the Seventh Doctor’s first adventure, now unleashed on DVD – Time and the Rani. This much maligned story has been given the 2Entertain deluxe DVD treatment and we look at the release and the story itself.

Thank you to all our amazing listeners out there who have stuck with the show since it began. You are what makes this show what it is and we thank you. Here’s to another 50! 100! 200!

Our 50th episode celebration week continues with another fifty-flavoured offering – this time the fiftieth episode from new Doctor Who – Midnight.

First screened on the 14th June 2008, this very different story for Doctor Who was heralded at the time for being a very atmospheric, tense, gripping episode.

Hear what the DWP boys have to say about this story.

For those unfamiliar with downloadable commentary tracks, here is a quick primer.

Once you have downloaded the file, load up your copy of Midnight into your DVD player. Have it queued up ready to go. Listen to the MP3 track on your Ipod or whatever device you use. In the file, there is a clear signal from us when to press play on your DVD player. This will enable you to sync our commentary track with the onscreen action of the episode itself, enabling you to see what we were seeing when we recorded.

We hope you enjoy this exciting new offering from The Doctor Who Podcast as part of our 50th episode celebration week.

We promised you a big week for our 50th podcast celebrations, and my goodness we are going to give you a big week!

Our next release is something new for the Doctor Who Podcast. We present to you a commentary track for The War Games, Episode 10. Why this episode you may say? Well, The War Games just happens to be… the 50th story of classic Who!First transmitted 21st June 1969, this episode is an important milestone for so many reasons in the history of Doctor Who. It saw the end of the second Doctor, Jamie and Zoe, the end of the black and white era, and the beginning of a whole new era for the program.

Trevor, James and Tom are waiting to guide you through our own personal journey with this episode.

For those unfamiliar with downloadable commentary tracks, here is a quick primer.

Once you have downloaded the file, load up your copy of War Games episode 10 into your DVD player. Have it queued up ready to go. Listen to the MP3 track on your Ipod or whatever device you use. In the file, there is a clear signal from us when to press play on your DVD player. This will enable you to sync our commentary track with the onscreen action of the episode itself, enabling you to see what we were seeing when we recorded.

We hope you enjoy this exciting new offering from The Doctor Who Podcast as part of our 50th episode celebration week.

And so begins the first part of our week long party here at DWP Towers, celebrating the release this week of our 50th episode!

Everything this week has a distinctly fifty flavour, well, most of it does…

First up for your enjoyment is Quiz No. 5 – Trevor and Tom go head to head against a dazzling array of user submitted questions.

Stay with us all this week, more releases this week to mark our 50 podcasts in the business! It all culminates at the end of the week with our 50th episode, an episode we can guarantee you will not want to miss.