The British Film Institute celebrate the imminent release of Season 22 on blu-ray with with a screening of the Sixth Doctor story, Revelation of the Daleks. Join James and Phil from the South Bank of the Thames for a special edition of the DWP as they bring you an on-set report from the comfort of a smelly old alley. Don’t miss it!

It’s here – two months late, but it’s here! Jump on board the Campervan as James, Brent, Drew and Ian stare into the official DWP crystal ball and make their Who predictions for 2022. That’s not before they step back in time to February 2021 and review those the team made last year! Fun, jollity, hilarity and inaccuracy ensure.

As per usual, you can get in touch with the campervan crew in the usual ways – send an email to, find us on Twitter or on Facebook. Let us know what you think the Whoniverse will deliver to fans this year.

Enjoy the show!

Join Phil, Michele, Ian, Drew and Brent as they take time out to celebrate the Fortieth anniversary of the Fifth Doctor – yes, it’s been forty years since we saw Peter Davison play the Doctor for the first time in Castravalva!

Debut Who returns with Black Orchid and then attention turns to Secrets of Telos, the first adventure in the celebratory release from Big Finish in the cryptically entitled “Forty“.

Drew and Brent drop by after returning from a trip to the 1960 with a ten minute review of the Tomb of the Cybermen.

Get in touch with the campervan in the usual ways, send an email to, find us on Twitter or on Facebook.

Enjoy the show!

Join James, Michele and Ian as they attempt to unpick the Who-news and the (frankly bonkers) rumours bouncing around the vortex presently. They also take a swift canter though their latest Big Finish listening which this month includes the Sixth Doctor and Peri story The Widow’s Assassin (which ties in nicely with the recent Season 22 Blu-ray announcement) and recent releases from the Torchwood range.

Ian drops in to fill another gap in his classic viewing and record his thoughts on The Mutants, a just mere fifty years after initial transmission. Spoilers!

We’ll be back in Episode 337 with our predictions for 2022! What do YOU think will happen in The Worlds of Doctor Who over the next twelve months?! Get in touch with the campervan in the usual way! No, not by shouting at us (!), but by sending an email to, finding us on Twitter or on Facebook!

Enjoy the show!

Join Ian and James and they continue to fill in the (frankly criminal) gaps in Ian’s Who-viewing. This time, they focus on The Brain of Morbius which Ian saw for the first time last week – a mere 45 years after it first aired. What did he think of it?! Tune in to this bonus episode of the DWP to find out!

As always, we’d love to hear from you! Email us at, get in touch on Twitter or search for us on Facebook.

Enjoy the show!

It’s Episode 314 of The Doctor Who podcast! James, Phil and Michele are back for 85 mins of Who (oh my) Goodness.

James and Phil pick over the news (finally, we have Doctor Who News!) about the upcoming Christmas Special, Season 13 and Big Finish. We also take a squizz at the Eleventh Doctor and Jo Grant Short Trip story, The Infinite Today from Big Finish.

James and Michele then leave Phil on his own in the Caravan whilst they return to the DWP Desert Island to discuss…..well, you’ll just have to listen to find out, won’t you?!

Join us next month for Episode 315 where both the UK and US campervans get together in a single unique space-time event to celebrate a particularly pantomime-esque classic story. What could it be?! Check your feeds on Christmas Day! 🙂

As always you can get in touch with us by emailing us at, tweeting using that ol’ Twitter thang or by join our DWP Facebook community.

Enjoy the show!

The campervan is back! After nearly six months, the DWP returns with James and Phil at the helm. What do they cover? Well, it’s probably easier to ask what don’t they cover?! After being held back by a life-changing global pandemic, nothing stops James waxing lyrical for over an hour, almost without drawing a single breath – although to his credit, Phil does try!

Series 12 six-months on, Christopher Eccleston’s return to role with Big Finish, Jon Culshaw as the Brigadier, Tweetalongs, Doctor Who lockdown quizzes, Missing Episodes and those that hunt for them, the Special Edition of the Power of the Daleks animation and Fury from the Deep are just some of the topics discussed!

So find an armchair – or a corner in your favourite COVID-safe public house – and tune in!

Get in touch with the DWP team by emailing them – reach them on Twitter or track them down on Facebook.

Enjoy the show.

Yes, it’s that time of year again.  The time when we all take a look into the mists of time yet to pass and say clearly what it is we see happening in the world of Doctor Who.  Join Leeson, James, Michele and Trevor as they argue about the outcomes of last year’s predictions and commit themselves to what they think will happen this year.

Enjoy the show.

Happy New Year to all our wonderful listeners! Yes, we’re back from our Christmas break and headlong into some Big Finish plays.  Join Trevor and Michele as they review the second Sixth Doctor and Flip trilogy from Big Finish, specifically Antidote to Oblivion by Philip Martin, The Brood of Eyrs by Andrew Smith and Scavenger by William Gallagher.

If that wasn’t enough, Ian also drops by to join Michele for the last in our series of reviews of Eighth Doctor, Charley and C’rizz plays, Memory Lane, Absolution and The Girl Who Never Was.

We’ll be back next week with our traditional New Year predictions episode.

Enjoy the show!

Join Trevor, James and Michele as they go through the vast swathes of questions you’ve been sending in to us!  From Doctor/Companion mash-ups to tales of Trevor’s jaunt to the UofK, no subject is off limits!

Ian also drops by to join Michele in their journey through the Eighth Doctor, Charley and C’rizz Big Finish stories with their review of Something Inside.

We’ll be back next week with a review of the Christmas special, Last Christmas.  Now that’s a time-wimey sentence if ever there was one….

Enjoy the show.