Took us a while to review this set as the box kept changing shape

AfterJames and Trevor discuss a bit of news that took their fancy recently, they switch to review mode and take a look at the Kamelion Tales box set, a box set comprising The Kings Demons and Planet of Fire.

By a staggering coincidence, these two stories chronicle the sum total contribution the fifth Doctor companion Kamelion provided to Doctor Who during his entire year.

We talk about these two stories and also what you can expect in this release.

After spending a few very fruitful weeks in the 1960s the campervan lands back in the present with a resounding vworp vworp and covers the news from recent times.

Also stay tuned at the end of the episode for a special request for any of our listeners that live in the San Francisco area…

Yes, stuff has happened in the Doctor Who world that doesn’t involve Matt Smith!

We have ignored the news over the past few months or so whilst we concentrated on Season 5, so we rectify that with this episode.

We bring you all the news thats fit to print, from the worlds of Sarah Jane Smith, Torchwood, Big Finish and a little show called Doctor Who.