Welcome (again) to Episode 280 –  the redux…!

Regular listeners will no doubt have already listened to Trevor and Stephen forensically dissecting last week’s episode of Doctor Who, Flatline, but what you may not know, is that there was a third presenter was there in the campervan with them that day, desperately trying to be heard.

Leeson had been setting up the equipment prior to recording when he accidentally reversed the polarity of Trev’s swivel chair, resulting in him being miniaturized.

Unable to be heard in his new tiny state, Leeson kept his microphone switched on, and from the confines of Trevor’s rucksack, continued to join in the conversation despite not being heard by either Trev or Stephen.

This ladies and gentlemen, is DWP 280, the redux. Using the fragments of audio recorded by Leeson, and the unedited rushes from DWP 280, we have recreated the episode as it could have been.

This was not a fixed point in time, so no timelines were harmed in the creation of this special DWP episode.

Enjoy, dear listeners.

Join Trevor and Stephen as they somehow, manage to get multiple references to a certain Alzarian into their review of this week’s episode of Doctor Who, Flatline. James also turn up in his own spacio-temporal time bubble with his views on this episode.

Enjoy the show.

Join us for another episode of the famous DWP where we endeavor to review The Mummy on the Orient Express AND produce show notes that are EXACTLY 66 words long.

That’s the extra effort we go to for you, our dear listeners.

Join Stephen, Trevor, Ian and Michele as they foxtrot their way through menacing mummies, cranky companions, terrifying train journeys and a monologue from Leeson Fischer.


Join the DWP in an extended version of the podcast as they travel to moon to……review its murder. Yes, Stephen, Ian, James and (now regular guest) Nerdist blogger Kyle Anderson (he won’t leave!) talk about Episode 7 of the current series, Kill The Moon. Trev also drops in with his views.

James also speaks to Tony Osoba about his appearance in Kill The Moon, which is actually his third appearance in Doctor Who after guest roles in Destiny of the Daleks and Dragonfire. He talks about working with Peter Capaldi, travelling to Lanzarote with the cast and crew and how Capaldi’s approach to the Doctor differs from Tom Baker and Sylvester McCoy’s.

Keep your thoughts coming in – we’ll be doing an episode comprising solely of your feedback soon.  Mail your opinions, thoughts and reviews (audio only and keep it  under two minutes please) to feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com.

Enjoy the show!

The Campervan sets up overnight in the merry forest of Sherwood to discuss all things Doctor Who this week.  Join Robin Trevor, Maid Michele and Little Stephen as they put forth their views on the third episode from the Capaldi era – Robot of Sherwood.

Stand by for a review of Episode 2 of the new series of Doctor Who, Into the Dalek!  This week, Michele, Tom, James and Trevor discuss the merits of the journeying to the centre of a Dalek.  And never mind The Doctor – is our pal Rusty a good Dalek?!