James and Trevor are in the Campervan this week after tuning into watch the latest episode of Doctor Who, The Rings of Akhaten.  They might even try to sing their version of the choral song used throughout the story.  No, don’t worry, they don’t really. Or do they…..

So what did the DWP Campervan crew make of this episode?  Innovative storytelling at it best or just plain strange?!  There’s only one way you’re going to get to find out……

Remember to send us your feedback – feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com.

It’s back! After what seems like an eternity (but in reality, is actually just three months) Doctor Who is back on our tellyscreens.  Huzzah! Typically, it’s at this time of year that Trev goes walkabout so James and Michele are left to steer the campervan – but are joined by the fabulous Laura (no, not the ood one), a long-term supporter of the show and has has kinda assumed the role of ‘roving DWP reporter’ of late – she helped to cover the recent Big Finish Day (interviews will be forthcoming) and has attended the BFI screenings with Ian and James this year.

So what did this new DWP campervan-combo think of the series 7b opener, The Bells of St. John? Tune in, download and find out!  But don’t click.  Don’t even click.  Click, and you’re dead.

Part one of our Tenth Doctor Retrospective is finally here – join Trevor, Leeson and James as they calmly and reasonably debate Doctor Who in 2006.  Listen as no furniture flies through the air. Revel in the tranquility as scerene and articlate as views are exchanged in a loving and caring campervan atmosphere.  In fact, use this podcast as a theraputic relaxation tool to take a break from the madness of this crazy  world we all inhabit!

On serious note (well, relatively) this episode sees the DWP team start another of their seemingly very popular era-retrospectives. The tenth Doctor’s era is a funny one – on one hand it feels very recent, but in this episode the boys find themselves talking about episodes that were first transmitted on BBC1 six years ago. SIX years ago!

The lads are back next week in part two to talk about Shakespeare, Martha and Masters in Series 3.