It’s lazy days as we mark time while we wait for Doctor Who to return to our screens. Thankfully there seems to be a steady stream of hints about what’s to come. Join Michele, Ian, and Brent as they talk about the speculation reported in the Mirror and elsewhere about potential spin-off series and writers.

Then we turn from the unknown to the known as we discuss the upcoming Ninth Doctor adventures from Big Finish and a new Third Doctor season on Blu-ray. Finally, we look back at a couple of stand-out stories from Big Finish’s erstwhile Monthly Range. Michele and Ian go ’round and ’round with the 2007 release Circular Time and guest reviewer Adam shares his thoughts on 2012’s Protect and Survive, from his very own fallout shelter.

Don’t forget to check out James on Episode 69 of the Who & Company podcast – a must listen for the millions of fans of Dad’s Army and Doctor Who!

Don’t forget, you can get in touch with the Campervan by emailing us at, Tweet @thedrwhopodcast or find us on Facebook.

Enjoy the show.

We’re back! Join James, Phil, Michele and Brent as they turn on the campervan’s a/c and dive into an unstructured meander through the worlds of Doctor Who. Neil Patrick Harris, the return of the Toymaker (or is it?!), Season 22 and Beep the Meep all feature in this latest geekout!

Brent and Michele jump on later in the episode to talk about the Third Doctor Big Finish Short Trip, Gardeners’ Worlds.

As always, we’d love to hear from you about anything Who related. Send an email to us at, drop a note to us on Twitter or find us on Facebook.

Enjoy the show!

It’s a Sixth Doctor Special! Join Ian, Brent and Phil as they travel back to the 1980s to discuss two much maligned stories from Colin Baker’s era. Have they stood the test of time?! Tune in to find out – shortly after Phil has his say about David Tennant’s return to Doctor Who.

James and Michele take the opportunity to revisit an absolute classic Sixth Doctor story from Big Finish‘s back catalogue and discuss Jubilee. Hard to believe the story is approaching it’s own twentieth anniversary.

As always, we’d love to hear from you about anything Who related. Send an email to us at, drop a note to us on Twitter or find us on Facebook.

Enjoy the show.

Join Ian and James as they catch up on the lastest news from the world of Doctor Who. David Tennant and Catherine Tate are back! But which Doctor? Which Donna?! And for that matter, which Rose?! Yes, Yasmin Finney has been cast as Rose – but perhaps not the one we were expecting?!

Brent and Michele also drop in to discuss the opening story in the new First Doctor box set from Big Finish, The Outlaws starring Stephen Noonan as the Doctor and Lauren Cornelius as Dodo!

What do you make of David Tennant’s return!? Does Stephen Noonan cut it as the First Doctor?! We’d love to hear from you! Send an email to us at, drop a note to us on Twitter or find us on Facebook.

Enjoy the show.

Join James, Phil, Michele, Ian and Brent and for the latest day trip in the Campervan! There’s a Ninth Doctor theme this month with the return of Nine Lives

Before that, James and Phil meander through the recent 60th Anniversary rumours and make yet more baseless predictions that have not a single hope of coming true. Ian and Michele then return to discuss the penultimate story in Series 1, Bad Wolf – and then Brent then drops by and joins Michele in reviewing Her Own Bootstraps, a Ninth Doctor Short Trip Big Finish story by Amy Veeres.

You can get in touch with the campervan crew in the usual ways – send an email to, find us on Twitter or on Facebook.

Enjoy the show!

Join Phil, Michele, Ian, Drew and Brent as they take time out to celebrate the Fortieth anniversary of the Fifth Doctor – yes, it’s been forty years since we saw Peter Davison play the Doctor for the first time in Castravalva!

Debut Who returns with Black Orchid and then attention turns to Secrets of Telos, the first adventure in the celebratory release from Big Finish in the cryptically entitled “Forty“.

Drew and Brent drop by after returning from a trip to the 1960 with a ten minute review of the Tomb of the Cybermen.

Get in touch with the campervan in the usual ways, send an email to, find us on Twitter or on Facebook.

Enjoy the show!

Join James, Michele and Ian as they attempt to unpick the Who-news and the (frankly bonkers) rumours bouncing around the vortex presently. They also take a swift canter though their latest Big Finish listening which this month includes the Sixth Doctor and Peri story The Widow’s Assassin (which ties in nicely with the recent Season 22 Blu-ray announcement) and recent releases from the Torchwood range.

Ian drops in to fill another gap in his classic viewing and record his thoughts on The Mutants, a just mere fifty years after initial transmission. Spoilers!

We’ll be back in Episode 337 with our predictions for 2022! What do YOU think will happen in The Worlds of Doctor Who over the next twelve months?! Get in touch with the campervan in the usual way! No, not by shouting at us (!), but by sending an email to, finding us on Twitter or on Facebook!

Enjoy the show!

In another timey-wimey epsiode of the DWP, Michele, James, Phil and Ian join you for an hour’s amble through the various eras of Doctor Who. Timey-wimey you say? Well yes – this was recorded before Russell T Davies played HAVOC with our scheduling, so it misses the recent Series 13 and the latest Blu Ray announcements This will be remedied shortly!

We do however cover the new Galaxy Four animation and the wonderful news that Christopher Eccleston is returning to Big Finish for another series of Ninth Doctor audio adventures.

The lions share of this episode however covers The Romans which Phil, Ian and James discuss – and then we dive into some Big Finish goodness as James and Michele review the recent Sixth Doctor release, The Eleven. If all that temporal confusion and strange numbering doesn’t confuse you, nothing will!

We will be back shortly with our preview of Season 13 which will be back on our telly boxes in just a couple of weeks.

Enjoy the show!

Join Michele, James and Brent for the latest skit around the Whoniverse.

This time around James and Michele discuss The End of the Beginning (the final play in Big Finish‘s long running Monthly Range) just before Brent returns to the campervan in his swimming shorts, Hawaiian shirt and a sunhat for his session on the DWP’s very own desert island.

As always, we’d love to hear from you. Send in your thoughts and feedback (audio or written) on anything Who or DWP related and we’ll discuss on an upcoming episode. Email us at, get in touch on Twitter or search for us on Facebook.

Enjoy the show, and we’ll be back next month!

Join James and Phil as they discuss – nothing in particular! Yes, jump on board the Campervan as the chaps hit record and ramble on about the latest goings-on in the Whoniverse including the latest rumours and news, the recent screening of Dragonfire at the BFI and the delightful Season 8 blu ray box set. True to form however, it’s only a matter of time before conversation turns to Big Finish – who have been prolific in their release schedule over the last few months.

Drew and Michele drop in to discuss Full Fathom Five, a story from the Unbound range that features David Collings as the Doctor!

As always, we’d love to hear from you. Send in your thoughts and feedback (audio or written) on anything Who or DWP related and we’ll discuss on an upcoming episode. Email us at, get in touch on Twitter or search for us on Facebook.

Join us again next month for the return of Desert Island Who! What would YOU watch?!