The Doctor Who Podcast: Commentary Track – The War Games Episode 10

We promised you a big week for our 50th podcast celebrations, and my goodness we are going to give you a big week! Our next release is something new for the Doctor Who Podcast. We present to you a commentary track for The War Games, Episode 10. Why this episode you may say? Well, The War Games just happens to be... the 50th story of classic Who!First transmitted 21st June 1969, this episode is an important milestone for so many reasons in the history of Doctor Who. It saw the end of the second Doctor, Jamie and Zoe, the end of the black and white era, and the beginning of a whole new era for the program. Trevor, James and Tom are waiting to guide you through our own personal journey with this episode. For those unfamiliar with downloadable commentary tracks, here is a quick primer. Once you have downloaded the file, load up your copy of War Games episode 10 into your DVD player. Have it queued up ready to go. Listen to the MP3 track on your Ipod or whatever device you use. In the file, there is a clear signal from us when to press play on your DVD player. This will enable you to sync our commentary track with the onscreen action of the episode itself, enabling you to see what we were seeing when we recorded. We hope you enjoy this exciting new offering from The Doctor Who Podcast as part of our 50th episode celebration week.

The Doctor Who Podcast: Quiz 5

And so begins the first part of our week long party here at DWP Towers, celebrating the release this week of our 50th episode! Everything this week has a distinctly fifty flavour, well, most of it does... First up for your enjoyment is Quiz No. 5 - Trevor and Tom go head to head against a dazzling array of user submitted questions. Stay with us all this week, more releases this week to mark our 50 podcasts in the business! It all culminates at the end of the week with our 50th episode, an episode we can guarantee you will not want to miss.

The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #49: The News

It would be a lie to say it is nothing but the news.

Tom is back in the campervan this week withJames and Trevor and ready to tackle the mountain of news occurring in the Doctor Who world of late. Also, for attentive listeners, there is a super extra complimentary bonus bit of content this episode! Gosh we treat you guys well!

The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #48: A bit of news and a review of the Kamelion Tales box set

Took us a while to review this set as the box kept changing shape

AfterJames and Trevor discuss a bit of news that took their fancy recently, they switch to review mode and take a look at the Kamelion Tales box set, a box set comprising The Kings Demons and Planet of Fire. By a staggering coincidence, these two stories chronicle the sum total contribution the fifth Doctor companion Kamelion provided to Doctor Who during his entire year. We talk about these two stories and also what you can expect in this release.

The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #47: Review – Jago and Litefoot Season 1, Interview with Christopher Benjamin

"What temptuous contortions of the gyrating kind!"

Big Finish have expanded their already impressive range of Doctor Who-related audios with the release of Jago and Litefoot - Season 1. Henry Gordon Jago and Professor Litefoot are two characters fondly remembered from the Tom Baker story The Talons of Weng-Chiang. So popular were they that they have been given their own audio series to explore the seedy underbelly of Victorian England. James and Trevor review the four story first season. We also have an interview with Henry Gordon Jago himself, Christopher Benjamin. Our thanks go to Luke from the The Minute Doctor Who Podcast for stepping in at the last minute and helping us out with this interview.

The Doctor Who Podcast: Special 1 – Controversy and Media Speculation about The Sarah Jane Adventures ep – The Death of the Doctor

Storm in a very large teacup

The DWP couldn't let the recent BFI screening of the Sarah Jane Adventures story Death of the Doctor pass without comment. The media frenzy and associated fan reaction to the revelations in this episode need to be discussed, clarified and explained. Delve within to find out what the fuss is about.

The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #46: Review The Runaway Train, Doctor Who Live and an interview with Ian McNeice

It's NEW Who, not Nu Who!

A very big episode for you this week, focused entirely on New Who. First up is a review of the audio book The Runaway Train, read by Matt Smith and given away free with the Daily Telegraph a few months back.James got a day pass and went to see Doctor Who Live, and he shares his experience with us. To round off the episode, we have a fantastic interview with Ian McNeice, the man who brought Winston Churchill so vividly to life in the Matt Smith story Victory of the Daleks.

The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #44: Part 3 of the DWP Retrospective of the Second Doctor, Patrick Troughton

"It is the end, but the moment has been prepared... hang on... wrong Doctor..."

Part 3 of our Troughton retrospective brings us to the conclusion of our look at the mighty second Doctor. In this episode, Tom and Trevor cover Troughton's last regular season as the Doctor, and also the anniversary stories Three Doctors, Five Doctors and the Colin Baker team up Two Doctors. We also talk about the depiction of the Troughton Doctor in books an audio. Come join us for the conclusion to this incredible look at the second Doctor.

The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #43: Part 2 of the DWP Retrospective of the Second Doctor, Patrick Troughton

"When I say run, run!"

Last time, on the DWP.... Trevor and Tom began their look at the second Doctor, and got as far as the end of his first season. In this episode we move onto his second, and arguably most popular season to see what lies within. We also hear fromJames, and Luke from theMinute Doctor Who Podcast with a review of the DVD release of the Troughton story, The Dominators.

It’s all about time…..

Hi. James here. On discovering that I co-present a podcast, the friends and family who show any interest inevitably ask at some point, 'well, just how long do you spend on this'?! My answer is usually quite brief and goes something like, 'well Trev and Tom do all the editing, so not much'! And for the most part, that is absolutely true. However, for DWP #39, Tom and I sent Trev on holiday and we got stuck into reviewing two of the most derided classic who stories of all time - Revenge of the Cyberman and Silver Nemesis. What we thought of the DVD set you can hear on the podcast, but what I wanted to talk about here was the preparation required for this, 45 minute podcast. Read more

The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #42: Part 1 of the DWP Retrospective of the Second Doctor, Patrick Troughton

Oh my giddy aunt!

If there was a Doctor that many commentators said inspired Matt Smith in the creation of his Doctor's persona, it was one Patrick Troughton, the second Doctor. Trevor and Tom explore the era of this most brilliant of Doctors in the first part of our retrospective of his work before, during and after his time on Doctor Who. In this first part, we look at his time before Doctor Who, and cover his first season in 1966. Stay tuned, for later in the week we release the second part of our series on Patrick Troughton, the cosmic hobo.

The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #41: Tom and James and their Amazing Adventures at the Whooverville 2 Convention

or.. Doctor Who in an Exciting Adventure with some companions

Tom and James went on a works outing last week up to the wilds of Derbyshire to see what was going on at Whooverville 2, the convention that boasts being the only such event run in an engine shed. And they are right (we checked). Tom was lucky enough to be the on-stage interviewer for second Doctor companion and all round screamer Deborah Watling. Deborah played Victoria Waterfield alongside the 2nd Doctor from 1967-1969. With the kind permission of the Whooverville bods we bring that interview to you in this episode. The boys also managed to back Sophie Aldred (or Ace to her legions of fans) into a corner and ask her some questions. And to round off the day, Tom intimidated a Dalek.

The Doctor Who Podcast: Quiz 1

The DWP Quiz - Number 1

Something a little different from the DWP. Today marks the release of the first of the DWP quizzes, a semi-regular release in addition to our regular podcast. In these episodes, the mighty brains of the DWP Campervan (Trevor, James and Tom... no really, it is Trevor, James and Tom) will take turns at being master of ceremonies and pose questions to the other two. In this episode, James quizzes Trevor and Tom. The winner of this titanic tussle playsJames in the second round. See how many questions you can get right! And you the listener can help out by sumbitting questions for future contests. Listen to the episode to find out more details

The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #39: Review of the Cybemen Boxset – Revenge of the Cybermen, Silver Nemesis

A sliver of silver

James and Tom are in the campervan this week and take the opportunity to review a recent 2Entertain release, the Cybermen box set. This set contains two classic era Cybermen stories - Revenge of the Cybermen and Silver Nemesis. Tune in to find out what the boys think of this release.

The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #38: Interviews with Alex Day and Peter Jewell and favourite Big Finish audios

Run for your life!

A very packed episode this week. First up is an interview with Alex Day, musician and pioneer of Trock, Time Lord Rock. We talk about the whole Trock movement, and listen to a few of Alex's tracks. Next up is an interview with Peter Jewell, who has emptied his cupboard of all his Doctor Who memorabilia and put them on display for all to see. Trevor talks with Peter about collection, collections and what to collect. Last up this episode is a piece we couldn't quite squeeze into last weeks Big Finish review ep. In response to a listener email the team lay their cards on the table and talk about their favourite Big Finish audios, and the audios a new listener needs to get their ears around, pronto!